1.1 Explain The Importance Of Being A Home Based Childcarer

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Being a homebased childcarer involves having many role and responsibilities such as planning a variety of play based activities/experiences that stimulate and support children’s learning and development at an appropriate level to meet their individual needs or listening to, encouraging, enabling, engaging and motivating children to learn. You also need to be able to implementing policies and procedures in line with Ofsted and good practice guidance. Health and Safety This is one key responsibility as a home based childcarer, as you need to ensure a safe environment for children by creating risk assessments for each area that is used by children and for any other situation or activity that could pose a potential hazard to children. It is also important to ensure equipment is safe, well maintained and age appropriate. These can all be met by following all safety procedures (including the Safeguarding Children Policy). Safeguarding is one of the most important responsibilities you hold as a home based childcarer. One features of the Safeguarding and Welfare requirements is to alert to any …show more content…

Role Modeling Bandura’s Social Learning Theory (1977) posits that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. Banudura says “Most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others, one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action.” This is an important role as a childcarer because it is vital that you behave appropriately at all times as children learn from your behaviours and at the same time you must encourage children to learn certain behaviours through role modeling, such as eating. Equality

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