Environmental Pollution Essay

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Environmental pollution is a major problem in most countries in the world and it is spreading like a wildfire. Pollutions are substances that are hazardous, present in the environment. Water, air, soil, noise and light pollution are almost present in every country in the world. These are dangerous to the health of not only humans but also in every living creature in this planet, for it is the primary cause of many diseases. Pollution also damages our ozone layer, spoil our water resources and kill our animals. Due to water pollution an estimate of 100,000 marine animals dies every year. Black carbon pollution contributes in the creation global warming which affects every creature on this planet because it disrupts the ecosystem. …show more content…

Water pollution It’s the second largest type of pollution that is threatening the world and can be defined as any contamination of water resources around the planet. From rivers to oceans, streams to ponds, the water pollution can strike anywhere and almost in any form whether they are chemicals making their way into a lake, bacterial contamination from sewage leaks, or trash that ends up at the bottom of an ocean or floating down a river.
Water pollution can also be caused by natural factors, such as dead animals decomposing in water or growing levels of sediment leading to shallower and less substantial bodies of water. The pollutants in water not only have a direct effect on quantities of water but has proven devastating to various types of marine biology, killing fish and other underwater organisms that cannot hope to escape toxic pollutants in their habitat. In addition to loss of water purity it also create problems for crop growth and food production, as it leaves farmers without water to irrigate their crops.

• Limit the use of fertilizer, pesticides and …show more content…

Light pollution is most common in big cities, though it can also have an impact in suburban areas, around airports or big sporting event facilities, and along highways where illuminated billboards and streetlamps are common. For humans, light pollution is more of irritation than an environmental concern, perhaps making it difficult to see the stars or interfering with sleep. For animals, however, light pollution can be more obtrusive, disrupting biological clocks, influencing natural predation patterns, and overall threatening animal habitats located nearby to heavily illuminated signs of human civilization.
Noise pollution can also create sizable disturbances to animal habitats. It is often tied to light pollution for how it arises from similar sources, including highways, airports, and loud sporting events or concerts, as well as from construction projects, railroads, and more. For humans, noise pollution is probably slightly more of a concern than light pollution, leading to a decreased standard of life thanks to the ability of noise to prevent sleep, distract from work, and bring about hearing loss. For animals, noise and light pollution combine as factors that have limited possible

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