Ellen Kirschman’s I Love a Cop: What Police Families Need to Know

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Families of police officers often do not know what to expect once their loved ones join the police force. I love a cop is a good guide for helping family members understand what their officer may face and how to deal with certain situations that may come up. Kirschman walks you through the whole time of service from the officer’s rookie year to retirement. Since the book deals with primarily a high stressful job the book can be applied to other stressful and demanding careers as well. I even found a few helpful tips that could be applied to my life.
Kirschman is a clinical psychologist and a consultant who works with peace officers and their families. She is a member of the Psychological Services Sub-section of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. In 2000 she was named Woman of Distinction by the Police Spouses Worldwide. As part of her job she attends the family sessions for families of new officers and dispatchers. She talks to them about the myths and realities of police work and the emotional hazards associated with the job (Kirschman, 2007. pg. 1-2). She stands to believe that by presenting a realistic view of the future is one of the best antidotes to burnout and disappointment. Her main purpose of the orientation speeches and her book is to encourage families to act as a team and energetically manage the; spillover between work and home (Kirschman, 2007. Pg3). According to the Goodreads website, she has been a police and public safety psychologist for thirty-plus years. She spends her time writing, teaching, and volunteering as a clinician at the West Coast Post Trauma Retreat for first responders. Her work with first responders has taken her to four countries and twenty-two states. I Love a Cop: What Pol...

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...ve-a-cop-by-dr-ellen-kirschman/ >.
Brown, H. (n.d.). "Police Stress Book Review. " Kirschman, Ellen; Author "I Love a Cop". Policefamilies, Retrieved Web. 03 Mar. 2014. From http://www.geocities.com/stressline_com/kirschman.html.
Kirschman, E. (2007). I Love a Cop. (Revised Ed). New York: The Guilford Press.
(n.d.). Ellen Kirschman. Goodreads. Retrieved February 2, 2014, from https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/333996.Ellen_Kirschman.
NPWA Community Forums.(2007). "[Book Review] I Love a Cop, NPWA Community Forums. Retrieved March 3, 2014, From http://www.nationalpolicewivesassociation.org/community/showthread.php?t=4.
Reuss, E. "Editor." (n.d.). My Cop Online Magazine. Retrieved Web. 03 Mar. 2014. From http://www.nycop.com/Editor/body_editor.html.
Stone, V. (2001). Cops Don't Cry: A Book of Help and Hope for Police Families. Ontario: Creative bound Inc

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