Effective Communication: Critical to the Success of the Manager and the Organization

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Communication can be referred to as, the sending information through a channel to the receiver and the receiver understanding the meaning of the information. Effective communication is very important to any organization and without it the organization will not function effectively. Communication has four functions, they are control, motivation information and emotional expression. Communication can be broken down into two groups, interpersonal and non verbal. Within an organization formal and informal communication is used. Communication plays an important role in goal setting.

Communication can be used to control the behavior of employees. This is done with the use of hierarchies and formal guidelines, all employees are required to follow. If any employee has a grievance in order for the grievance to reach management to be dealt with, the employee must follow the organization’s hierarchy. This hierarchy may follow a pattern like this, employees notifies supervisor, supervisor will then notify head of department and head of department will notify the human resource manager. Job performance appraisals are a form of communication, these appraisals can lead to the motivation of employees. Once an employee knows exactly what their role in the organization is and how their job performance is. These employees will become self-motivated, even if they receive a poor job performance appraisal because the manager will talk to the employee and provide information to improve job performance. Emotional expression of feelings can be facilitated through communication. Most employees work in groups and this group provides a primary source of social interactions. Within this group they are able to express their frustrations and satisfaction. T...

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