The Importance Of Communication In Communication

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The world today is a place of constant and rapid communication. Technology has vastly improved the ways that people distribute ideas and information, as well as the speed at which they do so. At this point, this speed and efficiency is necessary to modern business and society, and the market to provide such services is notably profitable.
Optical fibers have been long time sources of data transmission that have helped the information age take off. Low loss silica fibers as a broadband medium for voice, video, and traffic, are in fact critical for the current ability to communicate globally. This capability would not exist otherwise. As soon as the laser was invented in 1958, light waves were recognized as a fantastic method of data transmission. The optical fiber is what would provide the medium for this revolutionary new technology. It can be argued that the information age began in the 1970’s along with such developments as the production of optical fibers. It was around this time where the attenuation of the fibers was low enough for viable applications. As recent as 1966, this loss was still at best 1000 dB/km compared to todays 0.2 dB/km. …show more content…

At this distance, the resistibility to typical wear on fibers can be implemented to create a better product at a cheaper price. POFs are also much friendlier to connectors, which is an ideal feature for connector dense systems such as LANs. In fact, the capabilities of these fibers are not even approached under most of these circumstances 3. With more and more developments improving attenuation of POFs, these applications will expand and multiply, eventually replacing glass based optical fibers as the standard for close range optical

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