Difficults in Spirtual Leadership

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It is difficult to be a leader, especially a Christian leader. Leaders are responsible for guiding others and face much opposition while trying to lead. It is growing ever harder to lead in with advances in technology. Leaders used to be able to think about what choices they had before making a decision, but now with instant communication leaders are being bombarded with decisions and no longer have time to think about their choices. Jesus is the best model we have of how to be a good leader. Jesus’ success did not come from himself. Rather his success came because he sought the will of His Father. Even when Jesus had multitudes following Him, He made time to pray and talk to His Father. Jesus was the ultimate example: that to be a good leader one must also be a good follower. Many great leaders are often formed through hardships. Many of them grew up with bad home lives; some experienced failure after failure; and some had to overcome physical disabilities. If they had given up and been conquered by these hardships they would never become great leaders. When hardships come it is only through persevering through it that one can hope to be a good leader. To be successful leaders need to have a vision. They need to be visionaries who can communicate their vision to others and inspire others to follow their vision. A Christian Leader should be asking the Holy Spirit to give them a vision, rather than trying to produce their own vision. A leader’s vision should be linked to their proprieties and should always have room for God to act. Leaders' should focus on making their organization healthy, rather than on accomplishing goals. A healthy organization will meet most goals. “The ends do not justify the means” (122). Good leaders ... ... middle of paper ... ... I will know that I have made the best decision I could. Others will see that I am willing to make decisions when others will not. I will be the one willing to accept the consequences of the decision when others will not. My life will be different because I will enjoy my life more. I will not always be worried thinking that I should start working on a project. I will know that I have a plan to finish the project on time, so I will not be worried about doing the project while I doing something else. It will allow me to be completely focused on the task at hand, rather than worrying about what I need to do. Others will see that I have more time on my hands and that I get everything done when it is due. Others will see me as reliable and know that when I say something will be done on time; it will be done well when I say it will be. Others will be able to rely on me.

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