Being Refugee Essay

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I was born and raised in Nepal, a small country that lies between two giant countries China and India. It is the country of Natural and scenic beauty. A small house made of wood and plastics, not enough food, and a needy family. Being refugee is tough to live in a refugee camp with thousands of people all around in one society. Only a small piece of land isn’t enough to survive. Life where have to ask for the giving hands to survive. Although in journey of life there is happiness and sadness comes along with life.

As I grew up I started going school having a big dreams. I still remember playing in a field with friends. Me and my friends used to go play soccer everyday right after school over. Living in the refugee camp for thirteen years …show more content…

International organization for migration asked my family to help come to United State Of America after being in the camp for thirteen years. After three month of process and medical examination we flew to united state on 4th of December. Many difficulties comes on the way to United States. For example, It was first time I flew in a aero plane and was , nervous. Didn’t know how to find a seat, didn’t know how to use restroom inside the airplane. didn’t went restroom for eight hours. On the way I get to know lot of people from different culture and different countries. Experience new thing in life is always a joyful things to do. After being in the United State I had to struggle to fit in the society and school. I still remembers my first day of school being afraid of people, everybody staring at me, not knowing what to do. First day of school was tough. Not knowing about new school gets more tough. After few days of school I started making friends so, it get more comfortable to be in school. As I understand my journey of life gets more easier in the United State then I aspect.

Journey of life is an amazing. No matter how difficulties to live but still there is something left in life. Somewhere in the life gives joy to every people who have happiness in life or sadness. No matter how hard life I at the end life is a journey where person choose to get in the right way or the wrong way of

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