Case Assessment of Ethical and Legal Issues in Education

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Introduction Case Assessment, Ethical/Legal Issues Assessment Tools Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children (MMTIC). According to the Center for Application of Psychological Type the MMTIC results provides a student with new awareness of their strengths and stretches, and the difference they might have with friends, teachers, and parents, is a fun exploration of personality type, yields better self-management and gives young people valuable tools for personal growth and lifelong learning (2014). Some areas that are covered in this assessment include self understanding, academic performance, career and curriculum track exploration, and emotional and behavioral growth (Center for Application of Psychological Type, 2014). The self-understanding section allows insight into things such as reasons why some tasks are more enjoyable and easier to do than others (strengths and stretches), strategies for more effective studying, and managing stress whereas the academic performance section provides insight into improving study habits, tailoring independent homework assignment, and approaching homework assignment from a broader perspective (2014). The career and curriculum track exploration provides a basis for exploring career interests and potential job selections and determining a path for college preparatory courses, or other post high school alternatives whereas the emotional and behavioral growth promotes awareness of and appreciation for diversity for example establishing personal goals and developing future plan provide a framework for helping kids as they transition through the phases of child development (2014). Educational Development Domains and Goals Personal Social Development Domain. Some goals within this domain incl... ... middle of paper ... ...vement and performance, and show how you used information to improve both through formal and informal learning experiences. Career Management Domain. Some goals include identifying options affected by decision making, recognize personal priorities, cultures, beliefs, and work values can affect decision-making, access the impact education, work and family experience on decisions, and demonstrate openness to considering occupation that might be seen as nontraditional. Referral/Resource Conclusion Works Cited Center for Application of Psychological Type (2014). Student Benefits of MMTIC. Retrieved from Oregon Department of Education (2004). National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG) Framework. Retrieved from

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