An Analysis Of James Hamblin Buy Experiences, Not Things

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On a sunny Saturday morning with beautiful blue skies, and birds chirping, James Hamblin was in his balcony with a cup of coffee on his desk eager to write his short argumentative essay titled “Buy Experiences, Not Things”. In this short essay, Hamblin wanted to depict the fact that happiness in individuals, is mainly due to experiential purchases than to material purchases. One of the things he said to prove that point was “waiting for an experience elicits more happiness and excitement than waiting for a material good’ (Hamblin, 2014). He also stated that “a mind should remain in one place, and a mind that wanders too much is a sign of lack of happiness” (Hamblin, 2014). Instead of buying the latest iPhone, or Samsung galaxy, we should spend …show more content…

Throughout the essay, Hamblin focused on the emotions behind experiences giving you happiness. There will be two different examples of how pathos was used. First off, he states “Essentially, when you can 't live in a moment, they say, it 's best to live in anticipation of an experience” (Hamblin, 2014). This example is appealing to the reader’s emotions in the way that he lets them know that the anticipation of a future event, is more rewarding than material things when it comes to overall happiness. This statement definitely gives you an “aha moment” because when you read it, you might realize that this is how you may react to a future event that you’re really thrilled about. Another example of pathos would be “You read these stories about people rioting, pepper-spraying, treating each other badly when they have to wait. It turns out, those sorts of stories are much more likely to occur when people are waiting to acquire a possession than an experience” (Hamblin, 2014). Waiting in line for the next IPhone might make you feel as though you’re in a competition with the other people in line with you. However, waiting for an experience such as being in line to go down a waterslide gives a more positive outlook, because you might be talking to your peers about the awesome features of the …show more content…

“The writer appeals to the audience’s logic, intellect, or reason” (Smith, n.d.). The best example in the essay is when Hamblin specified that “Forty-seven percent of the time, the average mind is wandering. It wanders about a third of the time while a person is reading, talking with other people, or taking care of children. It wanders 10 percent of the time, even, during sex. And that wandering, according to psychologist, is not good for well-being” (Hamblin, 2014). This statement is indeed, very powerful. Hamblin provides statistics, and cites the person he got those facts from. This is definitely a great use of logic because it shows that he’s intelligent, and knows exactly what he is talking

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