Benefits of Sport

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Today I want to ask you, what is the one thing that keeps us healthy, strong, entertained, attractive and happy? Probably everyone will agree that there is just one answer to this question and it is sport. However, not everybody knows how exactly it affects our inner and outer states and how our organism responds to physical strain. Thus, in this article I will try to familiarize you with sport’s benefit and effect to our life.

The most obvious benefit of sport is to our physical appearance and health. It strengthens muscles, improves bloodstream and respiratory system and helps to remove harmful substances from our body. Because of these factors increases stamina and therefore we are able to perform physical tasks better. Also, physique becomes more attractive to us and others: smooth and fresh skin, nice form and correct posture.

The other important side of life is our mental health and sport has a very big significance on it. Scientists have already proved that approximately after 30 minutes of active physical work organism releases serotonin and endorphin, so called hormones ...

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