American Imperialism Essay

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American imperialism in the 1800s is the primary cause of the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor Hawaii. When Millard Fillmore sent Commodore Matthew Perry to open ports of trade in Japan the clock began ticking as to when Japan and America would go to war against each other. Perry’s show of modern military armaments sent the nation that was control by a feudal war lord the Shogun into a state of chaos, and the eventual forced removal of the Shogunate. The subsequent infusion of militarism and modernism in Japan led to a need raw materials. America was a premier producer of oil and trade between the two nations was established. Germany and Great Britain supplied Japan with military training and equipment. Japan traded for scrap metals of all types which they smelted into high grade steel, and they began to create their own modern military. However, America nor the West could not supply Japan with all of their needs and wants, therefore Japan followed the western plan of imperialism.
They attacked China, Manchuria, fought with Russia in the Russo-Japanese war, took control of
Most lost everything as Americans cleaned out their homes, and city or government officials sold off their property. On the West coast air raid drills were common place as were nightly black out and shore patrols were established along the Pacific and Atlantic shore lines.
In the end Japanese fanaticism and their unwillingness to surrender caused an American president to use atomic weapons on two cites in Japan. The fallout for this action was not just seen instantly, but seen for generations to come, and may be a primary reason why no one has since used the so called weapons of mass destruction. However, many believe that the incendiary bombs dropped night after night on Tokyo, and other cities in Japan may have caused even greater damage than the Atomic

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