A Reflection For Good Listening

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Donald Capps equips readers with basic knowledge and skills and helps them to create a framework to ensure that all conversations where counsel is given will be valuable and not harmful to the person involved. Then talks about how anxiety inhibits listening. Then according to Capps, there are three attitudes that assist good listening; attention, appreciation, affirmation. Then Capps identified “seven saving conditions” that support good Listening. These seven saving conditions that support good listening are:
1. Accurate communication of empathy
2. Communication of genuine respect
3. Communication that is concrete
4. Communication that is genuine
5. Appropriately self-disclosure
6. Ability to confrontation when necessary
7. Focus on the immediate

The next thing we learned about was the conversation, which deals with the turning point, the turning point is a person at a junction in life, …show more content…

I am learning so much in this class and I expect to continue to grow and learn. I believe this class is for all areas of ministry because it touches all aspects. Upon completion of this class, I expect to reach a new level and appreciation for ministry. There is so much for me to learn and understand that I may be used in the Body of Christ.
From this class I learned how a counselor appropriately respond to what the other person has to say. There are six different ways a counselor can respond to the other person because there will be different situations for different people. Those six different ways to respond are, supportive, understanding, interpretive, probing, evaluative and advising. The appropriate respond would be supportive, understanding and interpretive response would be used for tone-setting phase. Probing, evaluating, and advising would be used for the exploratory

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