Writing Reflection

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Welcome to my Composition 105 Portfolio. Comp.105 has built upon many skills that are imperative to being the best writer, reader and student possible. This course has touched on skills that have been previously focused on while also introducing new concepts for me to consider as a reader and writer. Some of the skills include, approaching writing as a process in composing formal and informal pieces, reading a range of texts critically and controlling tone, style and voice of my writing. Throughout the course we wrote several formal and informal pieces. Each of these assignments was challenging in its own way and provided a unique perspective on solving problems throughout the various stages of the writing process.

Writing Assignment #1

Writing Assignment #1 was one of my favorite assignments from the course. WA #1 was an informal piece in which we were expected to use our observational abilities to craft a narrative. Specifically, one that is rich in detail and creativity. The narrative was to be follow the phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words”, an …show more content…

I had to include a multitude of topics while aligning them with my personal experiences. This assignment was about our personal educational experiences. More specifically, it was whether or not we believe today’s students are being adequately prepared for a persistently globalizing world. The prompt wanted us to focus specifically on math, science, exposure to culture, diversity and foreign languages as the determents. I carried this out by going through various stages of education and highlighting events and situations that uncovered my identity as a student. Much of my outlook on education was based on these determinants so writing about them was relatively easy. I also made sure to mention that as schools focus heavily on more traditional courses, they were lacking on “courses of the future” such as computer

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