Daycare Center Essay

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In today's society dual income families are far more common than 50 years ago. Children are no longer staying at home with their mom while dad goes off to work. Parents are sending their children to daycare centers while both are “on the clock”. Today's society is seeing less of the traditional “stay-at-home-mom”. Parents are conducting research and choosing the right daycare center for their child; children are excelling academically and socially. In past years, society has put a negative perception in relation to daycare centers. The thought was that children were not being educated nor stimulated in their emotional, social, and intellectual development. It has only been in recent years that parents have become more receptive …show more content…

A study conducted among fourth graders in a Michigan public school proved that children whom attended childcare prior to kindergarten passed their state's literacy and math assessment test at higher rates than their peers who did not attend childcare. In addition, a study conducted among 40 year old adults in Michigan whom attended a childcare center provides results leading to a 33 percent higher average income than their peers who did not participate in a childcare center (Shergill). Daycare centers have an alias of being “germ factories” due to unsanitary conditions of toys, frequent child to child contact, and the lack of knowledge for proper personal hygiene amongst children... the health risks involved with sending your child to daycare centers' concerns parents tremendously (Koo)! When a child is sent to a daycare center they will be more susceptible to common infectious diseases, however, the pathogens your children are exposed to may strengthen their immune system, protecting them from chronic conditions like allergies, asthma, and even leukemia …show more content…

Children are given the knowledge and tools to interact with other children in which provide a smooth transition to the school system. The development of social competence is frequently overlooked; child care centers can be a vital resource for teaching children their much needed social interaction skills. Resource tools available to parents promote a positive communication line among other parents who have placed their children in daycare facilities. Parents blogging expose their true feelings about daycare centers, the majority of them feel that their children are reaping the benefits. The educational backgrounds provided by daycare centers enhance intellectual development resulting in higher standardize test scores. Although, there is an increased risk for contracting viruses in daycare centers, upon registration many facilities require children to have a pre-admission physical examination. Children are also educated and encouraged to practice proper hygiene and children enrolled in daycare facilities are less likely to develop childhood leukemia and the onset of asthma (Koo). Working parents should utilize daycare centers for their beneficial influences on the social and intellectual development of their

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