Women Empowerment Reflection Paper

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Up until this point in this course I had been so focused on women empowerment and our journey towards gender equality that I failed to reflect back on the root of gender equality and the issues of power imbalance that leave many women vulnerable. A common theme in many societies is patriarchy. Continuous female oppression fuels male dominance and the gap between gender equality is amplified. This power imbalance and inequality in gender leaves many women feelings powerless and helpless to stop male violence. Males have the physical and societal power in inflict violence on women without consequences. As violence and abuse continue, men grow stronger and their alliance to uphold patriarchy more fierce and women become more oppressed and more …show more content…

I will empower my patients to share their story and seek justice when necessary. One experience in clinical that I will take forward as a valuable learning experience for my future practice in violence prevention occurred on the unit when a eighteen year old girl was admitted to the unit. This girl was severely depressed and emotionally vulnerable, we had an older male on the unit who had a history of sexual abuse and he admitted he was having sexual thoughts about the young girl. The girl was placed on a constant observation to protect her from potential violence from the older male who may not have been able to control his urges. The girl felt unsafe on the unit and was relieved to learn that she would have a constant nurse to ensure her safety. The right decision was made to advocate for the patients need for safety in a vulnerable, high risk situation. In my future practice if a patient feels at risk for sexual abuse or is a victim of sexual abuse I will be an advocate for their safety and them with information regarding women’s shelters, counseling services, rape crisis centers, or whatever information they need to find a safe place. Safety is of the upmost importance in patient care and I will do my part to help assist in any way I

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