Why the Victim Fear to Testify in Court of Law

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Fear of Victims

Most of the time people wonder why the victim fear to testify in court of law, and people also imagine what might happen to victim that testify in the court, but to find out the answer, we must first look at the definition of a victim. A victim is a person who has been attacked, injured, robbed, or killed by someone else (Mariam Webster). The victim may be a witness and have to give evidence.

More generally, research made it obvious that victims don’t want to testify in court because they fear what may happen to them or their loved ones before, during or after witnessing. Victims feel insecure because it has been indicated that there had been cases of attacks or attempted attack of victim on their way to court. This may include shooting or any aggravated assault. Many at times, had been threatened with violence in several cases and this may involve the threat that they or members of their families would be killed.

Furthermore, it has been indicated that there had been other actions by one of the parties involved in the cases such as, visiting their house, making remarks, or a person pointing, staring or laughing at them. For some people, having contact with the accused could be intimidating. Also, some may feel having to testify in court is frightening and fearful. The fear could be based on concerns about what happens as a result of their being a witness.

Moreover, victims that have to testify in court are usually filled with fear of the unknown. Most are concerned that family and friends of the accused would do something to them, or that their house would be burnt down. Victims could also be worried about the possibility that has accused might be acquitted and then victimize ...

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...ecial measures in place for victim. For instance, most victims or witnesses are afraid of being in media even though courts are public places and reporters are normally free in the trial court. However, the courts can also put restrictions in place to limit what the media can report in other cases.

Be summing up, victims have a vital role to play in bringing criminal to justice. By having the courage to stand up and be a witness you can prevent further crimes happening and protects others from becoming a victim. And as many criminal justice official acknowledge that victims are central to effective crime investigation and prosecution. Although several initiatives have been developed to make court more friendly to witnesses; and there is still a need for them to be more responsive to the wellbeing victim’s family and all that concerns them and not just the victim.

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