Court Essays

  • Court Observation

    2116 Words  | 5 Pages

    My report on court observation involving Criminal matters focuses on two Courts I visited. On Tuesday 1st August 2017, between 9am and 1pm, I visited Townsville’s Magistrates Court and Supreme Court. The court visits for CRM101 are an essential learning experience to get a full understanding about how the Australian court system operates. Learning hands on what has been taught through lectures and readings; being able to observe the proceedings and surrounding to get a better understanding. This

  • Juvenile Courts

    2418 Words  | 5 Pages

    There is ongoing debate as to what should be done with juvenile courts. Should juvenile courts be abolished or just reformed? There are a number of reasons offered for each viewpoint, and the ultimate goal is trying to figure out which option would be most beneficial for juveniles. Juvenile delinquency is a continuous problem in the United States. It is also considered an issue that all of society needs to take part in trying to solve or at least diminish. Despite the number of social controls

  • court analysis

    1435 Words  | 3 Pages

    Supreme Court of Victoria. This paper will outline a selection of many pressing issues noticed throughout my observation, more specifically those regarding the law and language in legal arenas along with symbolic and architectural traditions that reinforce prejudice towards those from a low socio-economic background and ethnic minority groups. Furthermore, it will argue how symbolism, architecture and practices within a court are in place to create a power dynamic and reinforce the courts British-'western'

  • Court Observation

    1065 Words  | 3 Pages

    Whether the court differed from your expectations and why The court differed from my expectations in a number of ways. First of all, I observed that everyone spoke in a monotone voice. Secondly, the interactions observed with the prosecutor and defence lawyer, in court 2, was surprising to see that the prosecutor agreeing with defence lawyer submissions and had no objections. This shown that the defendant was being treated fairly. Finally, the language used by the Magistrate and both parties, were

  • Court Observation

    820 Words  | 2 Pages

    Court Observation Essay For an opening assignment into Business Law, we as the students were assigned to observe and report a court case following a Trial, Criminal, Civil, or Appellate proceeding under our own discretion. With these restrictions set, I decided to attend a case at the Temecula Superior Court and happened to find myself in the case of a man named Herrera Salguero, Jorge A, located in their courtroom numbered 301. I was able to attend the first trial on October 20th, 2014. I was unable

  • Etymology of Court

    1166 Words  | 3 Pages

    Etymology of Court In this report, I have attempted to display a general understanding of how the word court arrived in the English language and suggest reasons for its evolution. Much of the challenge has been determining what of the information I could present. Length restrictions and the condition set out, to use The Norton Anthology of English Literature as the only source to show the synchronic use of the word, have forced me to take a more narrow approach. Since court is a polysemic word

  • Court Observation

    540 Words  | 2 Pages

    I have attended court hearings in the past, but I found attending the Abbotsford Courthouse on September 25, 2017 a very different experience. Two of the courtrooms were closed to the public due to trials involving children. One was dedicated to traffic court, which I did attend randomly throughout the day, and the last courtroom was dedicated to adult criminal court which I spent the majority of my day in. During the adult criminal court sessions, I found that they took many breaks throughout

  • Court Observation

    1912 Words  | 4 Pages

    Summary According to the online dictionary a courthouse is a building in which local courts of law conduct trials and other business pertaining to the justice system. As I entered the dull grey building my heart was beating fast and my adrenaline was flowing; I was feeling frighten as I walked through the swirling doors. It was my first time entering a courthouse and I was full of anxiety, because I had no idea where to go, who to talk to and how to get there. At the entrance of the building there

  • The Juvenile Drug Court

    2525 Words  | 6 Pages

    In the juvenile drug court a docket with selected delinquency cases are referred to a designated judge. These youth have been identified for having problems with alcohol and/or other drugs. The juvenile drug court judge maintains close oversight of each case through frequent court report updates through the probation officer and the therapist. The judge both services as the team leader and serve as an integral part of a team that comprises representatives from treatment, juvenile justice, social

  • Going To Court Essay

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    Going to Court • Bring the proper documentation, during your court trial or hearing, you or your attorney will have the opportunity to explain the facts of your case to the Judge or Commissioner. Make sure your paperwork is organized and that it supports your claim. Examples include receipts, contracts, letters, bills and photos. If you plan to enter your paperwork into evidence during your trial or hearing, bring 4 copies (1 original and 3 copies). You must give the Court the original, give

  • Essay On Teen Courts

    1452 Words  | 3 Pages

    Are teen courts beneficial to young offenders? One of the fasting growing juvenile treatment and interventions programs are known as teen courts. Teen courts serve as an alternative juvenile justice, to young offenders. Non-violent, and mostly first time offenders are sentenced by their peers’ in teen courts. Teen courts also serve as juvenile justice diversion programs. Teen courts vary from state to state, and sometimes within the same state. With this program, all parties of the judicial setting

  • Drug Treatment Courts

    1666 Words  | 4 Pages

    Alternative courts emerged to address a variety of criminal behaviors to both reduce the number of low-priority offenders entering the criminal justice system and produce recidivism rates among habitual offenders. These courts include drug courts, DUI courts, mental health courts and others to address specific crimes types. These courts were initially implemented in Miami, Florida, in 1989 to address the sheer volume of non-violent drug offenders entering the criminal justice system (see McColl,

  • Juveniles in Adult Court

    876 Words  | 2 Pages

    adult court? What is the process of getting waived to adult court? The first Juvenile court was started in Cook county in 1899. You are a juvenile in till you reach the age of eighteen. After that you are considered an adult. In till you reach the adult age you go to juvenile court in less waived into adult court. After you reach the age of eighteen and you get in trouble with the law you attend adult court. Not many juveniles get waived to adult court. Normally they stay in juvenile court till

  • Community Court Report

    767 Words  | 2 Pages

    the community court at 9 in the morning. Although we have already been there, it was unofficial, and all we did there was sitting on the bench doing nothing. It was our first time officially to tour around the community court and watch the trial. In the morning, it had a drug court session. The judge listened to the situation report from the health care supervisor and the probation officer and congratulated the convicts for their hard work and graduating from one of the drug court programs. I was

  • London Court Experience

    1634 Words  | 4 Pages

    I visited Canterbury Crown Court on the 20th October 2015 at 12.08pm. As I approached the grand building I felt both excited and nervous. I had a fragmented idea about what I was about to experience due to previously visiting the Supreme Court in London a few years ago to view the Lundy murders hearing. However, I was still rather sceptical about what I was about to experience. I had pre-conceived court expectations due to watching television dramas such as “Silk” and “Accused”. For example I expected

  • Family Court Observation

    1732 Words  | 4 Pages

    I traveled to the Provincial Court of British Columbia in Victoria. I personally observed one case of Criminal Remand as well as multiple cases in Family Court. I learned a lot as this was my, first impression and experience within any criminal Canadian courthouse. I learned so much information that was provided by Regional Coordinator, Tanya Driechel and a lawyer from the courthouse. They were full of information about the significant cases to them, levels of court, but also courthouse etiquette

  • Court Ethnography Essay

    1706 Words  | 4 Pages

    For my court ethnography I observed plea, bail, and family court in the city of Milton. However, it was called the Ontario superior court of justice. When I first entered a court it looked exactly like what I had seen in movies. The court setup, the vernacular used, and the customs of the court employees were exactly like what mainstream media has displayed to the public over the years. Entering the court, symbols of justice were exhibited everywhere in the courtroom. In the courtroom all kinds of

  • Court Experience Essay

    623 Words  | 2 Pages

    Court Experience On Friday, I started off my morning by initially meeting Mary at the Arbitration office, which mostly deals with contract, tort, credit collection, and car accident cases. Mostly any civil cases under $50,000 comes to this office, so no criminal cases, and there is no bailiff or court recorders in this office, just Agnes. We then moved to the court house, which is the 22nd judicial circuit, where we went to the third floor and observed mostly criminal cases. Most judges were at

  • Queensland Court System

    1158 Words  | 3 Pages

    A fundamental principle of the Queensland’s Court system is the successful delivering of just outcomes for all stakeholders in any trial. The law has been an integral part of society and continues to be the foundation of a civilian community, where, when applied correctly, many disputes can be resolved in a just manner. This report explores the issue of whether courts are intimidating and out of touch, and if presented so, what improvements have been made to these factors to remain valideffective

  • The Hearing Of The Court Room

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    To begin with, as I entered the court room I observed seven long rows of benches, a table at the front with chairs, the judge’s bench and two televisions beside it and a substantial table in front of the judge with microphones. Also, I detected matters which I wasn’t aware of, such as a sheriff being there, sitting at a table with a computer and telephone, and beside the sheriff a small room that was transparent containing a mic instead. After the judge’s arrival, the hearings began, the lawyer