Should Students Be Allowed To Work Part Time Research Paper

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The best thing that someone has said to me is, “ Everything is going to be okay. You’ll go so far, but you have to work towards it.” In every life, there are stumbles and mishaps. For example, waiting for the last minute to complete an assignment, get in to work ten minutes late ,or repeating these mistakes over, and over. But there are moments in life where students learn from their mistakes; whether through school or work. From their mistakes, students learn how to better themselves by gaining financial maturity, gaining life skills, and having new experiences while finding out their limits. For these reasons, students should be allowed to work part time.
Having a job is not just about gaining money. In “Blessing of a B Minus” written by Victoria Wiaterhatler she …show more content…

Getting to work wasn’t always easy, so I had to plan ahead and use my time wisely. On my first day working at a restaurant as the host. One customer told me, harshly, to talk her order. Luckily I keep calm and patient. The next day I was stuck washing dishes. Worst job I have had. However, to keep my job I had to be efficient, hastily, and the determination to complete the dirty job. In the article “The Benefits and Risks of Adolescent Employment,” by Jeylan Mortimer, she states, “Those whose work experiences affirm their capacities as workers (e.g.) having a job that “payswell” and gives them opportunities to advance and develop a stronger sense of self-efficacy over time” (10). What she means is that work experience can help students character. For example, if a student lands a job that gives them too many hours, a low pay, a poor work station, with few breaks in between has the potential to let them develop the patience to endure through a job with a vexing environmental, determination to keep pushing on, and trying to balance their workload with their school work can develop time

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