Why Some Students Are Successly Success In Schools Than Others?

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There have been differences in the way that students have been performing in different schools with some being successful while others have been unsuccessful in their studies. As a result of these differences, different explanations have been developed to explain the differences that exist in the way that students perform in their schools. As such, this paper will discuss the reasons that explain the reason why some students are usually successful in schools than others.
There have been a number of discussions explaining the reasons why some students are more successful than others in schools with the best reasons for student’s success and school failure being better explained by the primary sociological theories. The sociological theories are seen to offer the best reasons for explaining the differences in the performance of students. As such, some of the reasons why some students are more successful than others include the following.
Favorable curriculum
In the education sector, a curriculum has been defined as the totality of all the experiences that a given student passes through his or her process of education. It is the way in which educational instructions are given to students for purposes of helping them to learn and succeed in their studies. As such, the way that different schools develop their curriculum may …show more content…

It also helps students to critically examine their knowledge as well as the values that they possess with the key purposes being the development of a reflective knowledge base, appreciation of multiple perspectives, and a proper sense of critical consciousness and agency. As such, those students who possess this are usually advantaged as opposed to those who do not have this important

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