Being A Christian Student: Being A Christian College Student

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Being a Christian College Student There is a coexisting relationship between being a Christian and being a student. A Christian must pursue all avenues of life with Christ as the center of their focus. A student seeks to learn and must challenge oneself to gain knowledge throughout life. For a student, college is one avenue available for them to travel to attain this goal. If someone is a Christian student, they must realize that there is no separation of meaning between the two words. They exist together. This relationship shapes why the student learns and how they learn. Through intellectual hospitality, an article by Stanley Hauerwas and the practice of reading, one gains perspective on the meaning of being a Christian student. The concept …show more content…

Reading shapes the way that a college student thinks and broadens their understanding in a variety of subjects. Not only do books and articles aid in teaching information, they provide channels to connect with other people. Books invite conversation to intellectual friends and teachers, allowing the Christian student a chance to further deepen their awareness of subjects they wish to comprehend. As God calls His followers to build relationships with others on earth, books become a tool to follow His teachings. As Stanley Hauerwas (13) says, “To a great extent, becoming an educated person means adding lots of layers to your relationships.” A Christian college student must understand that in order to get the most out of this practice, they must pay attention to what they are reading. “If reading is to accomplish anything more than passing time, it must be active” (Adler 299). By engaging the thoughts and ideas captured by the author and studying the contents, a Christian student can enhance their learning experience in a myriad of ways. Reading is an essential practice for a Christian college student and as Stanley Hauerwas (14) states, “Books are touchstones, common points of reference. They are the water in which our minds

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