Essay On Why Students Should Take A Gap Year

2207 Words5 Pages

McKena Thoennes
Mr. Lindley
Hour 6
Students Should Take A Gap Year
How many years does the average student spend in school? When a person graduates high school, they will have completed at least 13 years of school. Though a Gap Year may seem intriguing, people are scared that if they get away from the habits and schedule that they form in school, they will get “off track”. Not going directly into college after high school is beneficial. Such examples include, but are not limited to: getting a year away from school and coming back more focused, it helps a person decide their future, looks impressive on future resumes, it is becoming more acceptable, and students get the opportunity to learn about different cultures. “By the third and fourth semester - so getting into the degree, into the guts of the degree if you like - the gap year students were pulling ahead” (Martin).
One reason to consider taking a gap year is because students get a year off from the academic life style, and when they come back they are ready to try their hardest in college. As Martin explained, Gap Year students ended up “pulling ahead” of those who did not take a Gap Year. By that, Martin meant that those who took a Gap Year were more focused, and understood more than their peers who went to college right after they graduated. When a person understands a concept, they get a higher grade than those who have a hard time understanding the topic. “Taking a gap year actually makes kids more focused and ready for the rigors of academic life” (Wood). Wood stated that gap year is a time to regain focus after high school so that when a person does return to the academic life, they are better prepared for how difficult it will be. Some colleges underestimate ...

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...China. A person never knows until they ask. That is why students have to be open to asking questions, which will help with their future college classes when they do not understand something important.
In conclusion students can take a lot of important lessons away from their gap year experience. Although there are more benefits to taking a gap year, the ones discussed include: getting a year away from school and coming back more focused, it helps a person decide their future, looks impressive on future resumes, it is becoming more acceptable, and students get the opportunity to learn about different cultures. “Students who take part are able to see the world and return to school with a better perspective of their future” (Bull). Before a student starts filling out their applications for college this coming fall, they should ponder the option of taking a gap year.

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