Case Study Of Pseudomonas Fluorescens

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The unknown microorganism in question is believed to be Pseudomonas fluorescens. This bacterium is an obligate aerobe possessing multiple polar flagella for motility purposes and flourishes in twenty-five to thirty degree Celsius environments (microbe wiki 1). It also produces siderophore pyoverdine which is responsible for chelating iron when environmental concentrations are low (microbe wiki 1). These siderophores are responsible for this microbe’s ability to fluoresce under ultra violet light (microbe wiki 1). The process of identifying this microbe began by performing a Gram’s stain (see image #1, page 7). Pseudomonas fluorescens is a gram negative bacillus shaped bacterium. Following the establishment of the microorganism’s Gram stain …show more content…

This gram negative bacterium inhabits soil, plants, and water surfaces (micro wiki 2). Certain strains of this bacterium reside in the rhizosphere of plants where it is able to produce secondary metabolites, including antibiotics against some soil borne plant pathogens (Ganeshan 123). Pseudomonas fluorescens shares a commensal relationship with the plant that it lives on. The bacterium receives nutrients and environmental protection from the plants, and in turn the microorganism provides key nutrients, degrades pollutants, and produces antibiotics which protects against the plant’s pathogens (Ganeshan 124). Currently, research is underway which is evaluating the significance of the microbe’s ability to be used as an alternative to synthetic pesticides (micro wiki 2). Pseudomonas fluorescens is toxic to the larvae and pupae of vector mosquitos, as well as having the ability to produce antibiotics and hydrogen cyanide which can kill other microbes, including fungi Ganeshan 124). While this microbe possess the potential to have a positive impact on the farming and agricultural industry, Pseudomonas fluorescens also positively effects human

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