Pseudomonas Dermatitis

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In this research paper I will discuss, some diseases of pathogenic fungi and the causative agent, mode of transmission, clinical symptoms and two priority nursing interventions for pseudomonas dermatitis, acne, and otitis externa. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is ubiquitous and possesses a number of virulence factors, the bacterium rarely causes disease in healthy individuals because it cannot normally penetrate the skin and mucous membranes or ultimately evade the body's other defenses (Bauman 2013). Generally pseudomonas dermatitis occurs in individuals whose body defense mechanisms is damage or deficient. The mode of transmission is when it comes in contact with an environment that is warm and moist. In addition, quickly colonizing itself some places are swimming pools and hot tubs. Clinical symptoms of pseudomonas dermatitis, are skin eruptions that are red raised blotches, and pus filled pimples around a hair follicle; Often accompanied by itching (Bauman 2013). Pseudomonads can withstand disinfectants and are resistant to a variety of antibiotics. So skin infections are usually uncomplicated but can be resistant, and some nursing interventions are good personal hygiene and hand-washing. Also controlling irritants that may …show more content…

Mode of transmission is based on the hormones in the bloodstream that causes an excess production of oil, excess oil stimulates the growth and reproduction of bacterium, which secretes chemicals that attack leukocytes. Clinical symptoms of acne are white and black heads or painful pustules. Two nursing interventions involves preventing sebum formation, keeping the area clean and dry will assist the body's natural process of repair. Educating the patient on the importance of taking antibiotics prescribed as

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