What is The Best Long-term Treatment for Depression?

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Imagine for a moment, that while participating in something that previously provided pleasure, one feels nothing but empty and hopeless. In fact, so much sorrow is felt that it is now a chore to even get out of bed. We have all experienced episodes of disinterest, but what happens when the feeling lingers for long periods of time? Often we simply pass off our behavior as normal in an attempt to convince ourselves that nothing is wrong. Melancholy and attention deficit are common, however, when the behaviors begin to control our lives we must determine the severity of our emotions. While a temporary lack of interest is normal, a continuous state of indifference could be depression. Understanding the treatment options available for depression is crucial in ensuring long-term mental stability because of depression’s impact on relationships, job performance and physical health.
First, we must attempt to understand depression and what signs to look for. Depression is a serious medical illness that affects a person’s thoughts, feelings, behavior, mood and physical health. Depression is not a temporary experience; it is a life-long condition that has periods of wellness alternating with periods of illness. There is a multitude of contributing factors that can cause depression. For example, studies have shown that individuals who are obese have a fifty-five percent increased risk of developing depression. Obesity is a double-edged sword as it can be a contributing factor and symptom of depression; depressed individuals are fifty-eight percent more likely to become obese. This fact is alarming, as the United States has a high rate of obesity. Our western style diets, which contain marginal deficiencies of micronutrients, impact our risk...

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...ailable because of depression’s detrimental impact on our relationships, job performances, and physical health.

Works Cited

A.D.A.M. Medical Encylopedia. “Major Depression.” PubMed Health. 8 Mar. 2013. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
“Depression.” Food for the Brain. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
“Difference between Boredom and Depression.” Difference Between. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.
Hidaka, Brandon H. “Depression as a disease of modernity: explanations for increasing prevalence.” NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information. Jan. 2012. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.
Mayo Clinic Staff. “Depression (Major Depressive Disorder).” Mayo Clinic. 21 Feb. 2014. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
Saisan, Joanna, Melinda Smith, and Jeanne Segal. “Depression Treatment.” Help Guide. Feb. 2014. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.
“Some Facts About Suicide and Depression.” American Association of Suicidology. June 2009. Web. 5 Apr. 2014.

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