The Negative Effects Of Anonymity

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Introduction A controversial topic that is relevant in today’s world is the issue of anonymity. This is a regularly debated issue with several arguments for each side. Those arguing for anonymity may claim that it helps protect privacy and bring about positive changes in the world. In addition, it can help bring comfort to anyone embarrassed about something they enjoy or a past experience in their life. However, those arguing against it may claim that it allows actions such as harassment and bullying to become easier. Both sides make compelling arguments, but the positive effects of anonymity far outweigh the negative effects.
What is anonymity? Internet anonymity is the ability for a person to interact with others and voice opinions without revealing his or her true identity. This can be accomplished in several ways, including clearing cookies, encrypting e-mails, creating usernames that do not identify any personal information, and even giving false personal information, if possible (Raine et al.). Today, anonymity is used for several purposes for both the benefit and detriment of society. While it is true that anonymity can be used to threaten and harass, is also allows …show more content…

It may be a radical viewpoint on government, support for an unpopular individual, or any number of things. Similarly, almost everyone has something that they would like to keep secret, such as a sexual fetish, medical condition, or history of abuse. However, not everyone wants to remain completely silent about these issues. Humans, despite being social animals, “are discriminating of the things we disclose and to those to whom we share” (Jones). Anonymity allows people to talk more freely about controversial topics without affecting their personal lives (Kang). You can be honest and “show people what you want them to see, and still have your dignity and reputation intact”

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