Persuasive Essay On Gun Control Laws

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The situation is seen all too often. A maniac, sick and twisted in the mind open fires among innocent civilians, men, women, and even children slaughtered in the hands of a maniac and his weapon. But how can these tragic events be prevented? Many resolutions have suggested gun control and no more guns to prevent crime. If such happened, that would violate our Second Amendment right and nearly no one would be protected from events. Sadly, this will only affect the law obeying citizens while the twisted people with murderous intentions will ignore the gun laws. This is why we need good law obeying citizens with the choice to be armed to protect themselves, their families, and even strangers from the hands of those evil people. The Constitution …show more content…

Good citizens who obey laws will then not have a way to protect themselves from criminals with guns. The PEW Research Center’s survey showed that most Americans think we do not need stricter gun laws. “(58%) worry that new laws would make it more difficult for people to protect their homes and families. The public also says that stricter gun laws would make it more difficult for people to protect their homes and families (by 58% to 39%) and give too much power to the government (57% to 40%). Nearly half of men (49%) and 45% of women say stricter gun laws will eventually lead to all guns being taken away.” (Why Own a Gun?). The one issue where people seem to support stricter gun laws is mass shootings and 54% of people in this survey believe new gun laws will lead to fewer mass shootings. (Why Own a Gun?). However, “It 's noteworthy that every mass shooting in the U.S. since 1977, with the exception of the 2011 Tucson shooting that killed six people and severely injured Rep. Gabby Giffords, has happened in a gun-free zone, according to John Lott, Jr., former chief economist for the U.S. Sentencing Commission.” (Taylor). Sadly, in the world nothing can truly be prevented, only be defended against. But I feel it is truly wrong to use a tragic event like a mass shooting to promote something like gun control and manipulate people’s thoughts. If someone else at …show more content…

Shooters go for the defenseless for they can not fight back. Those lives are lost and can never be brought back, they can be protected. If before a murderous intention gunman opens fire upon innocent defenseless civilians, what if someone was armed and could take the gun man down before all those lives are taken. Now imagine the devastation if no one was armed except for a murderous gunman and how many lives would be lost. We have gun laws, we have an Amendment to give us our right to own and use a gun, as well as good law obeying citizen who are responsible and can protect those who cannot protect themselves. If guns were taken or even more of a challenge to legally obtain, then people will not be able to protect themselves and others during tragic events of a

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