Negative Essay On Vaccines

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Vaccinations are used ubiquitously in the United States and have become an integrated and routine part of pediatric doctor visits. They are an integral part of ensuring community health by preventing the spread of disease. There has been much controversy about vaccines in regards to the role of the of government, economics, epidemiology of disease, and public health in the development and the assimilation of vaccines into society. Vaccines provide a valuable protection to not only ourselves from disease, but society as well. Nonetheless, getting vaccinated against specific diseases has far more benefits for an individual’s or community’s health than remaining unvaccinated.
Vaccinations are formulations of proteins or parts of a microbial pathogen that is inactivated or attenuated to stimulate an immune response and result in “immunologic memory.” This immunologic memory leads to the development of antibodies and other body defenses that can prevent infection or reinfection of a certain pathogen. Unfortunately some parents choose to not vaccinate their children and do not consider the latent consequences that can occur. In the interest of public health, infants are “required” to receive a schedule of vaccinations, such as those against Diphtheria,Tetanus, and Pertussis. If a child is not vaccinated and acquires any of these …show more content…

From an economic standpoint, vaccines lead to a reduction in the cost of healthcare by reducing the contraction and spread of infectious disease. Vaccines also promote the health of a community by creating herd immunity and protecting the few individuals who are not vaccinated. The government has played a vital role in the distribution and regulation of vaccination, signifying the importance of vaccines.When it comes to one’s health, vaccines are a small price to pay compared to missing time from work to care for one’s self or a sick

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