What Is My Path To The Future Essay

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The average incoming university student holds many expectations, but most importantly, many hope to follow a path that will lead them to a ‘so called’ success they have always been told they have always dreamed about. This success, the student is told, may hold degrees, wealth, or influence, but probably a romantic mixture of all three. However, in my experience, I have seen too many students consumed by their paths to future success to take advantage of the opportunity at hand. By fixing their gaze into an illusionary future, the majority of students have lost sight of their present. On the other hand, I have been fortunate enough to be taught a different approach. Personally, the University has shaped me by making me aware of all the tenses …show more content…

As students we are in a particularly fascinating position. At university, our entire being revolves around our future. For many young adults at university, the future is a destination on a path that must be followed very carefully. This path includes the right classes, the proper friends and the appropriate extracurriculars. While I have watched many of my friends fall down this road, that they hope, will lead to success, I resist the urge to follow them. I have had a very difficult time grappling with my own path to the future. As my short list of extracurriculars indicates, my interests vary tremendously. In my spare time I enjoy playing tennis, mountain biking and reading. I enjoy travelling to new places and having the opportunity to build relationships over the fascinating clash of cultures that can only occur in youth hostels. What is more, I am proud that each of my adventures has taken me to new places and has allowed me to find fulfilment in different ways. Of course I understand that one’s future is important and that it must be considered, but I do not believe that one’s future can be found on a path. I am glad that I have had different rewarding experiences and have never chosen a class, or a friend or an extracurricular because it was a cog in the pursuit of some prospective

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