The Difference Between Itterning And Unit Iteration

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In the article Understand Linear Measure it discusses both tiling and unit iteration, and the difference between them. Unit iteration is when you use a set unit such as a centimeter or inch and using that to measure along the length of an object without any gaps or overlap and then you find how many units the length required. However tiling is covered a whole surface using multiple of the the same sized unit. The difference is the amount and the area that is being covered. In unit iteration you could only use one unit and mark each place as you go along, however you can also use multiple of the same unit to and then counting up the required units needed to cover the length. Whereas for tiling you are using multiple objects of the same size and you are covering a whole surface space without any overlap and gaps. There are four basic requirement that must be satisfied in …show more content…

The questions that the authors give really go depth and set the teacher up to analyze the content they are teaching and making sure that the students are understanding what they are learning and not just following procedures. Also, new information that I learned was using different sized units and discussing why that type of measurement would not work. Another topic was distinguishing between unit iteration and tiling. I had a general idea of the differences but I have never had a concrete definition to be able to distinguish them. I was also interested to find that even textbooks are not that resourceful when it comes to discussing the basic principles of linear measurement. When I am able to teach students linear measurement one concept that I am going to focus on conceptual concepts and going over why we measure the way we do. By this I mean teaching them why we do not overlap, or leave gaps, and why we use equal sized units instead of just covering and not allowing the students to have a deeper

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