State bar association Essays

  • The Cab Rank Rule

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    Introduction Australia has taken from English Law in adopting the cab rank rule, encoded in The Victorian Bar Incorporated Practice Rules 2009 (Vic). This essay will discuss the application of the rule, the strengths and weaknesses and will conclude to discuss why the rule should remain an integral part of the Bar despite many calls for its abolition. What is the “cab rank principle”? The cab rank rule states that a lawyer practicing solely as a barrister must accept a brief in a field they profess to practice

  • Competences Needed in the Law and Paralegal Profession

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    competence as, “possession necessary reasoning abilities or legal qualification; qualified; capable; sufficient.” It is immediately presumed that an attorney has, at a minimum, received a law school education and has passed his practicing state’s bar examination. The perspective attorney has been drilled and tested on various aspects of general law, his chosen specialty and possibly the psychological effects a trial of any kind could have on the mind as well as the body. Training at this level

  • Nokia Finance Department

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    taken. Things are different now. It is not that they are so much cleverer than our predecessors were; it's just that they have better tools. The obvious one is the computer. In most supermarkets the check-out process and the till are managed by bar codes on the goods which the customer wants to buy.

  • Examples Of Courtship In Much Ado

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    Applying characters from How I Met Your Mother as reimaginations of several parts from Much Ado can help show that the complexities of courtship are quite similar as expressed in the play and the television show. Reimagined Scene INT. MCLAREN’S BAR – NIGHT McLaren’s Bar is fully ... ... middle of paper ... ...t me Marshall, you should realize that if you’re angry enough to storm into the room to fight me then you do care about Lily and you two should probably get married. Also, please don’t hit

  • Car Wash Case Study

    1122 Words  | 3 Pages

    Phase One: Wash The first phase is essentially the foundation of a great car wash. The first step is usually to remove any debris, dirt, or bugs from the car to begin the detailing process. When washing your vehicle its important to get all areas wet and ready for the next step. Therefore, you wash your vehicle using the two-bucket method to avoid scratching your paint. One bucket will contain pure water for cleanse, and the other bucket will have water mixed with wash solution from any local auto

  • The Lonely Lover: A Short Story: The Lonely Lover

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    Everest. I knew this long legged, blond headed, bright lipped woman would be my undoing, but I wanted to be undone. In more ways than she knew. She sat down next to me at the beat up, sticky bar and ordered a bottle of Tequila. No salt, no lime and no shot glass. She just wanted the liquid fire. She talked like she had a fire in her belly. She wasn’t going to be held back by no man! Not today, and not ever. He would never touch her again she

  • Personal Narrative: Passing The Bar

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    Passing the Bar Our social environments often change depending on the stage of our life. From arcades in the mall as children to bars in the area as mid twenties college students. We often find ourselves always looking for a zone of familiarity. Bar culture is one that becomes a large staple of millions of people each year. During the economic recession of the Bush era administration of America. Barswere one of the few places of businesses that didn 't face rocky investments or failing business

  • Paralegal Careers: A Career As A Legal Assistant

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    Paralegal or a Legal Assistant is a person qualified through education, training, or work experience to be able to do different types of legal work while being supervised by an attorney. The term “legal assistants” and “paralegals” are interchangeable just as the term “lawyer” an “attorney”. It all depends on the area that they work in, as how they will be labeled. “Eight great things about being a paralegal: • Rising pay, the average paralegal salary is around $50,000.00 per year • Employment outlook

  • Creative Writing: Behind The Bar

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    myself to, I can fool myself into believing the poker game nightmare never existed. The usual hustle and bustle of patrons comfort me, maybe I can return to work. As Angelo leads me through the crowd towards the bar, I notice Clyde and Derrick stand in their usual positions behind the bar, serving drinks, while Mary, the barmaid, busies herself collecting empty glasses. Every few steps, Angelo pauses to converse with the regulars, leaving me to my own devices.

  • Sports Bars: Fascinating Your Dreams

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    Sports Bars: Fascinating Your Dreams Usually, this is a habit of people to visit sports bars for the purpose of recreation and enjoyment. Pubs have a rich tradition of serving people with utmost joy and hospitality mainly in Europe. Besides this, it has generated many professional opportunities for the individuals. The huge popularity of Sports bars among the masses has generated tendency to look around this business. Importantly, this has made the crowd to adore their favorite hangout place into

  • The Piano Man

    687 Words  | 2 Pages

    Roderich entered the bar at the time he was needed. It was 9:00 pm on a Saturday, and the usuals slowly trudged into the bar. Next to him was an older looking man, with long blond hair, and enjoying his gin a little too much. The man sighed. "Son, can you play a memory? I'm not really sure how it goes. But it's sad and sweet, and I knew it complete, when I wore a younger man's clothes." He then turned away, back to his gin. Roderich decided, for the man, to play his song. The song was filled with

  • The Man Behind the Picture

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    have had this feeling come over them at some point, though they chalk it up to an active imagination. I am included in that group. I never realized how wrong I could be. “You are becoming obsessed.” My best friend Emily stated from her place at the bar. “I am not. I am just curious.” I was beginning to think she was right though. She would be too though if she was having the dreams I was having. If it were just the dreams I would pass it off as stress, but there was also the feeling of always having

  • In-House Counsel Case Study

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    is a humble attempt to understand whether under the Indian laws, Attorney-Client Privilege applies to communications between employees of a corporate entity and their in-house legal counsel, and compare the Indian Scenario with that of the United States of America. The Statute The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 is the relevant legislation that governs the admissibility of evidence in any proceeding before a court of law and Sections 126 to 129 are the relevant provisions that govern the concept of Attorney-Client

  • Crossfit Research Paper

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    do it: Find a bar that will support your weight and make sure that you have enough space for your hand to be equal distance apart. You can find these at you local gyms and you can even buy bars to go between your doors one brand is called the perfect pull up. Grip you bar with your grip slightly wider than shoulders, make sure that your hands are facing away from you. Relax and let your self hang while holding onto the bar. Next Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar but do not let

  • Overhead Squat Research Paper

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    The overhead squat is one of the most active and extreme lifts performed .it takes great consideration in flexibility, mobility and concentration to properly perform the movement in the best manner. The overhead squat is majorly used as a mobility training tool for instance, most patients struggle with mobility and stability problems like tight and over lifted pecs that pull the shoulder and the upper back forward , inflexible hips, knees and ankles . doing the overhead squat helps relieve this

  • Personal Narrative Fiction

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    Michael: “Yes, I thought I’d try it out.” Shere: Raises eyebrows “Hmmm” Michael: “Ah...” Fidgets nervously “I was wondering if you wanted to get tea?” Sounds hopeful Shere: “Yes, that would be wonderful!” Michael: “Really?!” Shere: “Yes. Black, two sugars, a little bit of cream.” Looks at dirt under the microscope. Michael: “Sorry?” Michael looks confused. Shere: “Black, two sugars, a little bit of cream. That’s how I like my tea.” Looks at Michael “Well, go on” Michael: “Right.” Michael

  • Paralegals Duties

    598 Words  | 2 Pages

    Behind every good attorney is a great paralegal. They are crucial in the legal system. A paralegal, qualified by education, is retained by a lawyer, law office, corporation or other entities to perform delegated substantive legal work assisting their attorney. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, the education needed for an entry level position is an Associate Degree. Paralegals ensure that the office and cases are organized and running smoothly. As an aspiring paralegal I conducted research

  • Well Qualified Advocate

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    The role of having a well-qualified advocate or attorney in any case is immense and essential, as they work diligently to represent you in the court and fight for your rights in order to get justice. But before talking about the important role of advocates or attorneys in different cases, I want to give a little introduction about advocates in general: their duties and responsibilities. Advocates are those people, who represent and defend a person or a group of people, who need support or help to

  • That was Then, This is Now by S.E. Hinton

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    mainly placed in either Charlie the bartenders Bar, or in Bryon’s house in Tusla, Oklahoma. In Charlie’s Bar, there is a set of pool tables, lounge chairs and booths, and a long bar. It’s centered near an alley and has a big neon “Charlie’s Bar” outside of the building. Bryon and Mark usually go there to relax for a while, get a couple free cokes from Charlie, and hustle people into playing pool. Though Bryon and Mark are still underage to be in the bar, Charlie keeps a safe guard watching over the

  • Scene Analysis of Alfred Hitchcock’s Film Shadow of a Doubt

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    One of the scenes that exemplifies his masterful style takes place in a bar between the two main characters, Charlie Newton and her uncle Charlie. Hitchcock was quoted as saying that Shadow of a Doubt, “brought murder and violence back in the home, where it rightly belongs.” This quote, although humorous, reaffirms the main theme of the film: we find evil in the places we least expect it. Through careful analysis of the bar scene, we see how Hitchcock underlies and reinforces this theme through the