Oil refineries Essays

  • Oil Refinery Case Study

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    Incident at the SJV Refinery, Case Study Curtis Acree Columbia Southern University As an emergency response coordinator for a refinery it is vital to understand what hazards are associated with the products found in a crude oil refinery. Routine and non-routine maintenance will need to be done in order to maintain a working and operating oil refinery. This can create complicated situations or scenarios, because numerous contractors may be brought in for different repairs. This can lead to

  • Risk Assessment for the Oil Refinery Industry

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    discussed within this manuscript is the Oil Refinery. Since oil industry plays a vital function as the principal key resource for the fuel production within the economy of the world. While, the oil necessity continues to control the energy sector of the world, in addition it might require decades earlier than an innovative infrastructure for transportation, alternative energy supply distribution, and production is applied universally. Actually, the high prices of oil haven’t been the single purpose for

  • BP- Texas City Oil Refinery Explosion (2005) – Case Summary

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    After the explosion, BP’s stock price and its reputation went down, and it is one of the numerous results of the disaster. It has definitely happened because of a lack of strong ethical guidance. BP- Texas City Oil Refinery Explosion (2005) – Case Summary In one of the largest oil refineries in Texas City, on March 23, 2005, the explosion and fire took place, which took away 15 lives, injured over 170 people, and obligated thousands residents that lived close to the plant to stay in their homes. BP

  • Essay On Oil Refinery

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    Operation The oil refinery converts crude oil into valuable products and supplies. These products are made and sent to many countries abroad, in which are transported on land or along rivers and canals. Crude oil is then arranged and categorized into segments by fractional distillation. Raw crude oil, or unprocessed crude oil, is not normally beneficial in most industrial applications. Low sulfur crude oil has been valuable as a burner fuel to construct steam for the force of seagoing vessels. The

  • Corruption In Nigeria

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    benefit. Corruption is not peculiar to any country, continent or state; it is sure a global issue which is an endemic to all government all over the world. However, corruption is prevalent in the Niger delta region of Nigeria; public officers in this oil producing state of Nigeria are corrupt. Consequently, it has defied the Niger delta from developing politically and economically which has left the states reputation in a mess. Radicalization of youths, abject poverty and -political instability are

  • Mauritian Oil Case Study

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    Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Industry Overview The oil industry has evolved a lot in the past decade. Furthermore, there are two major players of oil on the local market namely: Mauritius Oil Refineries LTD (MOROIL) and Ramdenee Edible Oil Products (ROEP). It is important to point out that during that phase customer perception on oil has also changed, consumers have become more health conscious and are better aware of the consequences of oil consumption, this is due to the different cardiovascular

  • The U.S Oil and Gas Refining and Marketing Industry

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    The U.S Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing Industry According to the GAO report, the U.S. petroleum refining industry experienced a period of high product prices and industry profits from the early 2000s through to 2007. ( United States Government Accountability Office , 2014). Since the recession of 2007 to 2009,the industry has been in transition ( United States Government Accountability Office , 2014). The three major changes that have recently affected the domestic petroleum refining industry include:

  • The Pros And Cons Of The Petrochemical Industry

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    hydration, ammonolysis, oxidation, and nitration. Australia is one of the countries operates petrochemical industry and many final commodities are produced in the petrochemical industry directly , as indicated by Oil & Gas Diary (OGJ), Australia held more than 1.4 billion barrels of demonstrated oil holds as of January 1, 2014. Geoscience Australia reported monetary stores, which incorporate demonstrated and plausible business stores, of about 3.8 million barrels, made out of 0.9 billion barrels raw petroleum

  • Thai Oil Case Study

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    External image of Thai Oil Public Company Limited Thai Oil Limited Company is a subsidiary company of PTT Thai group Limited Company which is a corporate company established in Thailand. Moreover, PTT Thai group is the biggest shareholder (49.1% of shareholder ratio) of the issued and paid-up capital of the company. Thai Oil is the firm of petroleum refinery specifically in Complex Refinery produced in high modern tech-nology and relevant to involved chain petrochemical firm. The major market is

  • Capacity Planning

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    Resource Requirement Planning A process that finds amount and types of resources that are used to get an organization’s strategic plan is called resource requirement planning. Its main objective is to get the appropriate level of production. Resource requirement planning is used to meet the future product demand. It includes capacity planning, facility layout and equipment and labor planning. The first step includes capacity planning and it is very important part of resource requirement planning

  • Catalysts Used in Cracking

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    coke. Lastly, it is Fractionation since the cracked hydrocarbon stream is divided into an assortment of products. The three types of catalytic cracking processes are fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) as the central conversion method used in petroleum refineries, moving... ... middle of paper ... ...e is of the same sort as the exhaust temperature. Alteration of liquid hydrocarbons into gas must develop the burning process. Several doubts still stay on the expenses and the technical capability of the

  • Essay On Petcoke Soda

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    Diana Ramos April 11th 2014 Mr. Harter 2nd Petcoke Storage In The United States Olga Bautista is a mother of two, she’s a Chicago resident and another problem has just been added to her list, one she can’t do anything about by herself. Her daughter attends elementary school along with nine-hundred other children and the school is being polluted by a dust that is full of heavy metals, petcoke. This dust is being stored only half a mile from the school and Bautista’s home. She along with Suzanna Gomez

  • Essay On Hydrogen Sulfide

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    Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless gas with an obnoxious rotten egg odour. H2S is highly flammable, noxious and vitriolic in nature. Many petroleum and natural gas processing industries produces H2S as a by-product gaseous stream. Most H2S in the air comes from natural sulfur cycle. Exposure to H2S can lead to various health issues like burning/tearing of eyes, cough, and shortness of breath. Moderate concentration can lead to respiratory issues. So it is advisable to make use of this gas in other industrial

  • How To Change the Oil in your Car's Engine

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    How To Change the Oil in your Car's Engine Automobiles are American's second largest investment after real estate. It is impoprtant to understand how to keep your car performing at its best. The major components of a car consist of the engine, transmission, brakes, suspension, and tires. The purpose of this essay is to guide you through the process of changing the oil in your car's engine. An oil change is recommended every 3,000 to 5,000 miles depending on your driving style and conditions

  • Oil and Plastics: The Use of Fractional Distillation in Oil Refinery

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    Fractional Distillation in an Oil Refinery. How is this method used to help produce chemico-technical products (fuels,solvents, etc). Due to having different boiling points the substances in the crude oil can be separated if/by using fractional distillation. The crude oil is braked down and its steam condenses at different temperatures in the fractionating column. Every fraction contains hydrocarbon molecules with very similar numbers of carbon atoms. (Ke C 10,11) Refineries often use cracking to produce

  • Business Management: A Case Study Of Aliko Dangote

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    real estate, noodles, fertilizer, spaghetti, oil, gas, steel, macaroni, logistics and poly products and runs in fourteen African countries. The following are their brands: Dangote sugar Dangote cement Dangote macaroni Dangote spaghetti Dangote Noodles Dangote flour Danvita Petit tomato paste Dangote salt Dangote snacks Mowa water Ziza milk Dansa juice Dangote rice STREGHTS The company has the second largest sugar refinery in the whole world. Dangote is the only company

  • Conocophillips Humber Refinery Case Study

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    The fire and explosion at the ConocoPhillips Humber Refinery (16 April 2001) A formal report was made for the incident by COMAH and ConocoPhillips detailing the whole event and the response and action at the time. The events that took place are as follows: On 16 April 2001 an explosion occurred at ConocoPhillips Humber Refinery after the failure of an overhead pipe. An investigation was launched on the incident, which is required under Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) regulations, by the

  • Houston: Diversity Case Study

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    share of discrimination cases. The purpose that I write to you is to help the company grow into a more diverse organization by analyzing current issues of diversity within the company. Being a leading provider of equipment and components used in oil and drilling means there is a lot of employees; currently there is 64,000, yet National Oilwell Varco received a diversity score of fifteen out of one hundred from Calvert Investments. Calvert Investments ranked NOV number one on the three worst large-cap

  • Essay On John D Rockefeller

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    his mother was a devout Baptist who John said shaped his life and most of his religious views for the rest of his life. Towards the end of his life, Rockefeller had built up a beyond substantial fortune but, seeing as how he was now retired from the oil industry and had no desire to invest into a new business, he decided to follow Andrew Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth by donating the bulk of his wealth to charity. John D. Rockefeller was truly a man who was almost undefinable despite the simple black

  • Ethical Concerns Regarding the BP Texas City Oil Refinery Explosion

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    Background BP was founded in 1908 under the name Anglo-Persian Oil Company. They changed their name to British Petroleum in 1954 and merged with Amoco in 1998. (BP Public Website, 2010) “The Texas City Refinery is BP’s largest and most complex oil refinery... It was owned and operated by Amoco prior to the merger of BP and Amoco.” (Michael P. Broadribb, 2006) Throughout their history, there have been a number of accidents that have been caused by negligence and disregard of safety precautions