Officer Candidate School Essays

  • Common Core Standards Essay

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    The new standards are requiring students to spend more time outside of school to focus on their school work as well as homework, and it is taking an increasing amount of time away from students when they could be doing other things, for instance, living their out of school life with sports, extracurricular activities, family time, etc. School is causing stress on many students, and some get to the point where they experience an emotional, physical, or mental

  • The Law Enforcement Hiring Process

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    that are currently hiring or recruiting for police officers. There will be a summary on the research found on the process used to recruit police officers. It will also show their current hiring trends and what hiring practices they have that are successful or not successful. The paper will also go over the different methods departments use to train their new officers and their values. The Process of Recruiting Police Personal Recruiting officers is a vital job for any city, state, federal department

  • Freshman Elections Essay

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    excitement throughout the school, this year was no different. Mrs. Mary Steiner, Student Services Office Manager, and Ms. Jessica Abel, math tutor and basketball coach, are the Student Board Moderators. Student Board organizes many of the schoolwide events at Marian, including freshman elections. On Nov. 17, 6 Class Officers and 3 Student Board members were announced to lead the class of 2021. In order to achieve the position of a Class Officer or Student Board Member, the candidates had to first sign

  • Police Polygraph Essay

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    as a police officer? Educating you, as potential candidate or not, researching this career path takes time and knowing that an individual’s fit for that particular career. The reality is that is not all going to be rainbows and sunshine and that there is a nasty truth about becoming a police officer. According from (“How to Become a Police Officer - Career Information, Education & Degree Requirements - Peterson's CollegeQuest.Com.”) The minimum education requirement is a high school diploma ranging

  • Racial Discrimination Kept Black People from Flying in Air Force

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    As a whole, black candidates generally score lower than their white counterparts, but the report also said high test scores don’t mean the candidate will become a good pilot. Daryl Jones, a 1977 honors graduate form the Air Force Academy, states that kids who don’t meet the academic standards can still develop into becoming a good pilot through hard work and repetition. But even through hard work and repetition sometimes blacks generally don’t do as well in flight school as well as their white

  • Police Recruitment

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    is very important to all law enforcement agencies; it seeks to recruit, select, train and maintain the best possible officers (Grant et al, 2012). This paper will give you the reader a general understanding of police recruitment and also discuss some of the problems happening in police recruitment; past and present, along with remedies to these problems. To become a police officer there are five basic requirements that one must first meet. Although these requirements may vary slightly from state

  • Essay On Criminal Justice System

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    They are very similar when it comes to their requirements for becoming an officer. Some of their requirements include passing all polygraph, background, and drug examinations. Possible candidates in both countries should be in good physical and mental health. One big difference that they share within their requirements for becoming an officer is the age requirement. In the US a candidate can be at least eighteen years old; in Trinidad and Tobago, the age requirement is between twenty-one

  • Essay About Law Enforcement Officer

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    My dream is to be a law enforcement officer, but in order to reach my goal I have to pass through a difficult process. This first step and the most difficult for me, it’s obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. The process of obtaining a BA is difficult because as a fulltime worker, it’s difficult to balance assignments and night shifts. The life of a college students is difficult because sometimes I feel a lot of pressure in doing well in both aspects. In one side, work is crucial in

  • The Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)

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    Officers in the United States military carry a significant distinction as opposed to their noncommissioned counterparts prescribed under Constitutional Article II, Section 3 mandating those appointments by the President. Although no guarantee of an outcome, it is a distinction worthy of note for those considering a career in the military. In the broadest of descriptions, these are strategists and principal sources of authority, whether directing a tactical combat unit in a military theater or commanding

  • police research paper

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    and security officers is to maintain justice, order and peace. In order to keep peace police officers must go through an academy that will prepare them for most situations that they will have to face later on in their career. Some situations require a more intense way to solve a problem such as using force or putting the perpetrator in fear so they will give in to what the police are asking. In some cases the peretrator(s) are too volatile or risky for the basic trained police officer, so the swat

  • Background/Character Investigation

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    the particular candidate, and also from those persons who have custody of the records of his past.2 A report of the background investigator is reviewed, with accompanying documents to determine if that candidate will be acceptable to appoint as a police officer. The purpose of this background investigation process actually has three branches. The major objective is to see how the candidate behaved throughout many different circumstances and predict his performance as an officer in the future

  • The King's Badge

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    privilege of the King's Squad remain unaltered. The King's Badge is not awarded to every squad, and is only presented if a Recruit measures up to the very exacting standards required. The Commando Medal The Commando Medal is awarded to any officer or man who shows throughout training that he possesses the following qualities to an outstanding degree: LEADERSHIP UNSELFISHNESS CHEERFULNESS UNDER ADVERSITY COURAGE AND DETERMINATION HIGH PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS These Qualities Define The

  • Police Officer Education Essay

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    been brought up whether a police officer have the proper education or level of training to perform the job that the public have entrust them with. As many individuals know, education is an important qualification that employers look for nowadays. The question arises whether law enforcement agencies should require their officers to possess a two-year, or a four-year college degree along with a police academy certification in order to become employed as a police officer. Additionally, other issues arises

  • Civil Service Examination In Late Imperial China

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    Began to function as the major way for the imperial court to select officers in the late Tang Dynasty, the Civil Service Examination system had been deemed as the official method to recruit government officers for the state bureaucracy in the imperial China. Differentiated from the previous selection methods used by the court which was based on the recommendation from currently serving officials and simply “clone” the bloodline, the setting for the Civil Service Examination seemingly had provided

  • Being A Postal Inspector Essay

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    inspector will investigate matters that touch on crimes within the U.S. Postal Service. It could be mail fraud from outside the agency or theft within the postal service that gets the attention of postal inspectors. They are considered law enforcement officers who prepare cases, execute warrants and detain and arrest suspects. Duties of a Postal Inspector A postal inspector will investigate instances of mail fraud. While first-class letters and packages are protected against search and seizure due

  • Los Angeles Police Department and New York City Police Department

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    environment to the people of the community <>. Both agencies share the same hiring procedures and it all begins with a written examination that is taken to determine the ability of each candidate in reading comprehension and communication. A candidate must pass a physical test that consist of events to evaluate the physical performance of each person. Additionally, a pre- employment substance screening for drugs and alcohol may be required <>

  • Colonel Bell-Carter Biography

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    Lieutenant Colonel Bell-Carter was born in Cleveland, Mississippi, 9 January 1972. She graduated from Shaw High School in May of 1990 and enlisted in the Marine Corps in April of 1992 and graduated from recruit training Marine Corps Recruit Depot; Parris Island, South Carolina in July of 1992. Upon graduation from recruit training, she attended the Aviation Ordnance Course at Naval Air Station (NAS), Millington, Tennessee. Upon completion in November 1992, she attended the AV-8B Armament Organizational

  • The Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)

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    commissioned officer and in a similar fashion as many other professions, require a baccalaureate education. Generally speaking, initially advancing one’s professional trajectory correlates strongly to the institution itself much as does in private industry. Graduates of the Military Service Academies regularly garner assignment preferences right out of the gate, to say nothing of clear-cut networking advantages over the course of their careers. After the Service Academies, the Reserve Officers’ Training

  • i search paper: how to thrive as a foreign service officer

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    a Foreign Service officer I learned there are five major career tracks: Consular, Economics, and Management, political and public diplomacy. They work in embassies, consulates and other diplomatic missions .They can be sent anywhere in the world, any time to serve their countries diplomatic needs. Although there is no educational requirement for entering the Foreign Service field a majority of the workers have a Bachelor’s degree or higher. Helpful college or graduate school courses include English

  • Difference Between Kings Point And Plato's

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    higher class rank getting more responsibility and rewards bestowed upon them. The relation between Kings Point and Plato’s idealized society is that both are governed by a philosopher-king. The regulations have been in use since the founding of the school, and have governed the lives of midshipmen since then. These rules are used as the moral backbone