Ocelot Essays

  • Oncilla

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    when I saw the picture. I thought the Oncilla was interesting because it looks like a domestic cat but it is not. Thee Oncilla is really small and it has big eyes which made it look really adorable. I found out that the Oncilla is a relative to the Ocelot and Margay, which I thought was interesting. The Oncilla is venerable to extinction because the biggest threat to the animal is man. Humans capture the Oncilla then usually sell them as pets. The Oncilla commonly lives in high elevated areas of

  • Essay On Ocelots

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    Ocelots are the miniature leopards of the jungle. The hundreds of thousands that populate the southern region of North America and South America are domesticated and wild. These active travelers have moved more into Central America and barely any remain in North America. Their blotched black and tan spots resemble those of a leopards which is another reason why people want to buy them. Even though there are large numbers of them, they are not well known. The behavior of an Ocelot is very different

  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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    eventually manages to escape. • Venom Snake finds Liquid Snake (known as Eli), now leader of a children soldier group. Eli is brought to Mother Base. Eli is extremely angry at his dad to the point he (unsuccessfully) tries to kill him. • Venom Snake and Ocelot schedule DNA tests to see if Eli is his son. The tests are negative. • A terrible epidemic spreads throughout Mother Base causing many members of the staff to die. To find a cure, Venom Snake goes on a mission to find Code Talker, who has been used

  • Shadow The Wolf: A Short Story

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    trying to warn the orcas that they were a threat. Banshee the Coyote’s band did the same. The Orca King bellowed in surprise at his friends. Nepal the Tiger and Luna the Cougar snarled and snapped at several orcas, who ducked under the water. Nero the Ocelot batted an adolescent orca away, showing his teeth. Aspen the Stag stuck his antlers in the water, gouging anything that came by. Tide the Otter thrashed and clawed in the water with his raft. Omar the Bear swatted at an orca with his huge paws. King

  • Essay On Pros And Cons Of Cloning

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    Many people believe cloning is unethical and unusful. They believe that it should not be practiced, because it infringes upon their beliefs. They see cloning as a last resort and do not trust the science of cloning. “Several governments have considered or enacted legislation to slow down, limit or ban cloning experiments outright” (Freudenrich 5). Many people think that cloning a species is a very unideal situation. However the many benefits of cloning far outway the few disadvantages. Cloning

  • Costa Rica Beach Vacation

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    Starting out as a world traveler can be scary at first, but once you leave the comfort of your home, you realize the value in becoming a world nomad and meeting people from different cultures around the globe. Traveling experiences leave you wiser and more understanding of the cultures you visit and can shift your world perspective in unexpected ways. You actually do not need much to participate in traveling. You come with an open heart, and that will often be enough to give you an unforgettable

  • The Mayan Mythology

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    Mythology ,to this day, is a fascination to many. Made first to explain the wonders of the world and the creation of space, time, and life itself.Every Region had their own explanation to all these questions and have even put their own twist on earlier myths. Mayan mythology centered around life and its principals. Often in Mayan mythology, the connection between the deity and the human were the most important for both counter parts. This would allow such deities to perform such extraordinary things

  • Trump Wall Thesis

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    ” (“Up Against the…”5) If we were to place some of the wall into the Rio Grande River, rain flow will be disrupted by the wall and would cause blockage and flooding to the area. The wall would also cause difficulties for animals such as jaguars, ocelots. All jaguars in the U.S are thought to have traveled from Mexico, and “any wall along the border of Mexico would have to pass through jaguar critical habitats – 785,207 acres… that contain features essential to the conservation of the jaguar” (Bird2)

  • Zapotec Culture: Contributions To Modern Day Hispanic Culture

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    Cocijo, the god of lightning and rain, and Pitao Cozobi, the god of maize. The Zapotec legends state that the Zapotecs believed that they were the original people of the valley of Oaxaca and that they were born from rocks or descended from pumas and ocelots. They also believed their ancestors came from the clouds, which is were their name comes from. Museum Findings The statute Cocijo, the god of rain and lighting. The artifact looked like there was lots of effort put into it, which symbolizes its importance

  • Honduras

    604 Words  | 2 Pages

    Where is Honduras located? What are some main landforms? What food do Hondurans eat? What language do Hondurans speak? How did Honduras become Honduras? These are all questions you might have, and in this paper all will be answered. You will learn more about the geography, society, people, their lifestyles, and the history of Honduras. Geography Honduras has many landforms that differ from beautiful sandy beaches to furious rugged mountains. The highest point above sea level is Cerro Las Minas; it

  • Research Paper On El Jefe

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    Beautiful. Agile. Powerful. These are just a few reasons why the mighty jaguar http://www.care2.com/causes/olympics-mascot-juma-the-jaguar-shot-dead.html has been revered by different indigenous societies. The jaguar is also revered for its adability: it's a big cat that's comfortable moving in between trees and water come day or night. But modernity has been a fierce opponent for the king of the Americas. So you can imagine the excitement that the 2011 sighting of a male jaguar -- later named

  • Media And Eating Disorders Essay

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    Media has more of an effect than people realize on how people think about themselves, especially body shape. Social media, television, and magazines all encourage low self esteem regarding body image and eating disorders. The media is a major factor in young boys and girls developing eating disorders; when surrounded by media for hours a day filled with commercials encouraging weight loss and models that are unhealthily skinny, it is inevitable to feel insecure about your body shape and self image

  • Amazon Rainforest

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    The Food Web is a system which exhibits the flow of energy between organisms ranging from the main source to producers to consumers and eventually to decomposers. The Food web is also comprised of multiple food chains in a particular ecosystem, thus creating a larger system. Ultimately, food web is a crucial aspect of the ecosystem due to the numerous of connections between organisms. The system is also important to humans, as alterations within the chain can impact these stakeholders. With arising

  • Mayan Geography

    615 Words  | 2 Pages

    Have you ever wondered about the ancient civilizations of North America that existed long before us? These civilizations had different ways of living because they were dependent on the land features that still cover North America today. In 200 B.C to AD 250 the Mayans lived in Meso- America. The Mayan civilization was impacted by many geographic features including the Yucatan Peninsula, Gulf of Mexico, mountains, and rainforests. The first civilizations in Meso-America formed on the Yucatan Peninsula

  • Wonderful Argentina

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    The culture of Argentina reflects deeply upon the geography. Like all countries, Argentina’s culture is widely influenced by her immigrants. The immigrants consist vastly of European with Amerindian and African persuasion in their music and art. The capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, is a cultural melting pot filled with exotic traditions that are plainly evident throughout today’s Argentinean society. Argentineans are a mix between native Latin Americans and European immigrant. The European culture

  • Geography of Belize

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    Geography of Belize Belize which was formerly known as British Honduras until 1981 is an 8,867 acre plot of land located in Central America. The territory covered by Belize is slightly smaller than the state of Massachusetts (Gall 45). Mexico surrounds Belize to the north, Guatemala to the southwest and the Caribbean Sea to the east. The population of Belize conists of approximately 256,000 people. Rougly seventy-one percent of Belize's population resides in cities such as Belize City, San

  • Costa Rica Persuasive Essay

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    Costa Rica with kids? You bet! There’s no denying that Costa Rica is the best family-vacation destination in all of Central America. With a solid transport infrastructure, very good healthcare system and a deep-seeded love of children embedded in the local culture, Costa Rica is a brilliant choice for intrepid parents who dream of taking their kids on a wild - but very safe - adventure. And that’s just logistics! As far as attractions and activities are concerned, you’d be hard pressed to find a

  • Humans Are Causing Animal Extinction

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    Humans Are Causing Animal Extinction In a 2014 list, there were 4,500 endangered species, and much more vulnerable. This list keeps growing due to the neglectfulness of humans towards other species (“Animals on”). Humans are stealing habitats from animals for their own self-interest, unaware of the risks they are taking. People are illegally capturing and killing animals just to make money. Not to mention the climate on earth is rapidly changing and heating up due to the pollution rate. It is clear

  • Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest

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    Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest: Human degradation and its consequences Deforestation is a word that displays an image of cruelty against nature. In any language, and on every continent, the word deforestation is frowned upon by all social classes, however why it is still happening? The consequences of this act that involves human beings willing to cut down trees, burning plants, and destroy habitats of animals are just actions to satisfy some human being. The Amazon rainforest covers various

  • The Beginning of the Big Cats

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    two main subfamilies Pantherinae and Felinae. The Felinae’s are among some of the younger of the big cat groups appearing in Eurasia about ten million years ago. The slightly smaller big cats of the Felinae include cougars, cheetahs, lynxes, and ocelots. The Pantherinae which first appeared in Central Asia around sixteen millions years ago are among the oldest and largest of the big cats which include tigers, lions, jaguars, and leopards. (Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.) On August 7, 2010, paleobiologist