The Mayan Mythology

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Mythology ,to this day, is a fascination to many. Made first to explain the wonders of the world and the creation of space, time, and life itself.Every Region had their own explanation to all these questions and have even put their own twist on earlier myths. Mayan mythology centered around life and its principals. Often in Mayan mythology, the connection between the deity and the human were the most important for both counter parts. This would allow such deities to perform such extraordinary things. Spanning back to the sixteen hundredths, the Popol Vuh is the sacred book of the Mayans, it contains the early stories of great deities and powerful stories .Things so grand that only and all mighty could create. Such force of great power for the …show more content…

After the creation of the fifth sun and the fifth earth, the need for humans was evident to the gods.Quetzalcoatl and Xoxotl were chosen to go to Mictlan and retrieve the bones of the ancestral humans.After retrieving the human bones from the angry dark lord of Mictlan, Quetzalcoatl and Xoxotl set their eyes on the path back to the gods.Unfortunately, Quetzalcoatl dropped the human bones which resulting in them breaking into pieces. Quetzalcoatl and Xoxotl had to taken the bones to Cihuacoatl, the snake woman, in order to fix the broken bones. Cihuacoatl took the bone pieces and grounded all of them into flour.He voluntarily used his own blood in order to moisturize the flour. After the blood gave life to the flour of the broken bones, Quetzalcoatl and Xoxotl shaped the mixture into human forms.Quetzalcoatl later thought the newly revived humans the lesson of how to reproduce by themselves.(Wickersham)The moral lesson thought by Quetzalcoatl's actions in the Popol Vuh is to care for orders before yourself.Quetzalcoatl knew that blood had to be use in order to revive the humans.He knew …show more content…

Nevertheless, Quetzalcoatl's human form is also highly praised by the Mayans.Quetzalcoatl helped and protected his Mayan people.He thought them how to make the Mayan calendar from meso-America, crafts and the study of Astronomy or the study stars.Yet, like any other human civilization, they needed food in order to survive. Quetzalcoatl transformed himself into a black ant , after seeing how a red ant carried a piece of grain on his back.Quetzalcoatl followed the ant into the ant's colony where they hid the food source. Quetzalcoatl would then steal the grain from the red ant. Quetzalcoatl returned with the grain and gave to his hungry people. The grain turned out to be maize (corn), the most planted and eaten grain in Mexico. Quetzalcoatl was forever honored for his heroic act by being gifted Flowers, Butterflies, and Jades.This story of Quetzalcoatl can show the act of Heroism, by teaching people a new lesson that would help them in the future and by being successful at completing a challenge brought to him.This completion ,in effect, helped his people to survive longer.Yet, Quetzalcoatl did not ask to be praised, but did the task in order to help his people regardless of how difficult it would be. This motivation to help others regardless of anything

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