Research Paper On El Jefe

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Beautiful. Agile. Powerful.

These are just a few reasons why the mighty jaguar has been revered by different indigenous societies. The jaguar is also revered for its adability: it's a big cat that's comfortable moving in between trees and water come day or night.

But modernity has been a fierce opponent for the king of the Americas. So you can imagine the excitement that the 2011 sighting of a male jaguar -- later named El Jefe -- in the United States conjured. Unfortunately, El Jefe's return is already in jeopardy.

El Jefe's Journey

El Jefe (jefe translates to boss or chief) probably made the long journey to Arizona's Santa Rita Mountains by way of Mexico. The 200-pound jaguar was actually …show more content…

The government agency justifies this bogus approval on the basis that there are wild jaguars roaming in Mexico, Central and South America. But so what? Wouldn't it be amazing to reintroduce healthy jaguar populations to the U.S.? Disturbing El Jefe's habitat will only setback jaguar reintroduction efforts.

But here's a newsflash for the FWS: Decreasing jaguar populations outside of the U.S. aren't exactly in the clear, either. The IUCN Red List

classifies them as Near Threatened because of: high deforestation rates in Latin America, forest fragmentation and heavy persecution. The jaguar actually went regionally extinct in El Salvador and Uruguay.


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