Shadow The Wolf: A Short Story

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Shadow the Wolf sprinted from the dark Pine Forests, her kingdom. She and the other Kings of the Beasts needed to get to the shores of the Eastern Waters. The old King of the Orcas was under attack by his own people. And they needed to get there fast. Shadow the Wolf’s paws beat the ground and her tail swished the air. She could sense the battle raging. Other paws hit the hard packed earth. Shadow the Wolf’s pack of black wolves were running behind her. They’re very loyal. Shadow the Wolf thought, smiling. Across the land, a bright red fox was pelting toward the shores of the Eastern Waters. She had heard the Orca King’s call for help. Then Shadow the Wolf’s howl to gather. Feather the Fox was leaping over logs, jumping over streams, and barking to her leash to follow. The Orca King’s strong bellows screamed through the air, but only Feather the Fox could hear it. Her ears were better than an average fox’s. Shadow the Wolf howled again. Feather the Fox picked up her pace, yipping to her leash to do the same thing, and they obeyed. In the hot savannahs, the King the Lion roared to his pride to prepare for battle. He had also heard the cries of King Orca. His golden mane flared behind him as he sprinted from the Pride’s Tree to the shores of the Eastern Waters, were King Orca reigned. But …show more content…

The Beasts were at the disadvantage. Most of them aren’t water animals. All her wolves began to howl, trying to warn the orcas that they were a threat. Banshee the Coyote’s band did the same. The Orca King bellowed in surprise at his friends. Nepal the Tiger and Luna the Cougar snarled and snapped at several orcas, who ducked under the water. Nero the Ocelot batted an adolescent orca away, showing his teeth. Aspen the Stag stuck his antlers in the water, gouging anything that came by. Tide the Otter thrashed and clawed in the water with his raft. Omar the Bear swatted at an orca with his huge paws. King the Lion called for his pride to

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