Music of Ireland Essays

  • Family and Community Ties to Irish Music

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    It Takes a Village: Family and Community Ties To Irish Music “There was music before me and after me.” These powerful words open the book The Living Note: The Heartbeat of Irish Music, and encompass the “living” nature of musical traditions in Ireland. As I come to a close on my semester in this module I have latched on to the important and reoccurring role of “Family” in the Irish culture, and specifically the arts. Each week I found myself engaging with the word family whether it be from films

  • An Inside Look at Irish Music

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    Ireland The history of Irish music has been influenced by the political fluctuation within the country. Traditional music is handed down from generation to generation. Today, Irish music is a living tradition with variations of many musicians. Irish folk music is the music and song in the national heritage. Although it is not only about the Irish traditional music, but it is also about the folk, rock, punk and other genres of music in Ireland. Irish music is so important to our culture because Irish

  • Dbq Essay On Irish Music

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    Contest “Expressing Irish History Through Music” Going back centuries you can hear the soft sound of the harp played by the Celts. The music from 2,000 years ago tells the stories of the countless journeys to the country and gave their new home a sense of cultural identity. Looking all the way back to 500 B.C. to present times Irish music has had an effect on you, me, and our ancestors. Irish music in its early days would be considered an oral tradition, the music was always spoken by word of mouth, never

  • Ireland

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    The capital of Ireland is Dublin. Their flag is divided into three equal parts of green, white, and orange. Their population is 4,109,086 (July 2007 est.). The official languages of Ireland are English and Irish, also known as Irish Gaelic. %100 of the population speak English with about %80 speaking Gaelic. Ireland is a republic, parliamentary democracy. They received their independence from the UK on December 6th, 1921. Ireland is an island which lies west of Britain across the Irish Sea in

  • Traditional Irish Music Essay

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    There is not one single definition for traditional Irish music. Traditional Irish music is made up of different types of music and song, played by Irish people both in and outside of Ireland. It is a living tradition, today heard at “social gatherings, pub sessions, dances, concerts, and festivals in various urban settings”. Much of Irish music is rooted in dance, ranging sean nos, meaning old style, ceili, or set dancingThe most common dance tunes include reels, jigs, hornpipes, polkas, mazourkas

  • Crazy Little Thing Called Ireland: Crazy Little Thing Called Ireland

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    19 February 2014 Crazy Little Thing Called Ireland Picture this. It is the day of the Saint Patrick’s Day parade in Belmar New Jersey. Look to the left and now to the right. People are dressed head to toe in emerald green and bright orange, waving around the green, orange and white Irish flag. After frantically looking around for a vacant spot on the curb to sit, the parade begins and the sounds of bagpipes and drums fill the air. Year after year, the music, the clothing and the atmosphere remain the

  • Ireland: The Culture Of The Irish Culture

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    Irish Culture Ireland is deeply rooted in its culture. Architecture and dance are just two aspects of their culture. The Gaelic League is a major part of why Ireland got to share its traditional dance with the world. Architecture in Ireland evolved from simple to beautiful and grand over the Saxon, Norman and Medieval time periods. The earliest written record of dancing was in 1520 with the use of the word ‘damhsa’ or ‘dance’ in English (Whelan 9). The country dancing that was popular until the 17th

  • Irish Dance Research Paper

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    I chose to research the country of Ireland, but more specifically Irish dance. Traditional Irish Dance has extremely unclear origins. Traditional Irish dance was first noted during ancient times, so unfortunately there is no specific time period. For certain, Celtic music influenced Irish dance during the Viking occupation of Western Europe, which means its been alive since at least 700. Irish dance although has survived and continues to live and thrive. Many subgenres of Irish dance have been created

  • 10 Good Reasons to Visit Ireland

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    1. The clean freeh air of Ireland! Ireland doesn’t have the warmest climate of Europe – with temperatures in the summer months rarely averaging above 22°C. Getting off the beaten track in Ireland, to the rural areas of the country is the best way to enjoy the fresh air and enjoy beautiful scenec drives and walking routes. West Cork and Kerry, the Connemara region of Galway and North West Clare (around Doolin and the Cliffs of Moher) are some of the best places you can go to enjoy the open air

  • Riverdance Evaluation

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    Tara Brabazon and Paul Stock's article on Riverdance focuses on the success of the show. They go into specific detail about what made the show successful. They analyze the music used in the performance and they style of the dancers, including their movements and their costumes. They compare the music and costumes used in Riverdance to that of other shows and musicians of the time. The point of their article is to provide a detailed analysis of the show and its success. This source is useful as it

  • Cultural Culture Of Ireland

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    of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts” (Zimmerman, 2017). For many years culture has been passed down from generation to generation, creating patterns of life that people around the world follow today. While there are many characteristics the five that stick out to me are religion, cuisine, music, arts and social habits. The culture of Ireland has had many influenced, whether it is from their ancient Celtic traditions or from outside

  • How Irish History Affected Its Music

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    Reilly 1 How Irish History Affects Its Music After seven hundred years of British rule, and many uprisings that ended in failure, Ireland had reached a breakthrough. This breakthrough had an affect on many different people, especially Irish musicians. The series of uprisings and wars that led to the freedom of most of Ireland developed a new form of Irish music; the rebel songs. On Easter Monday of 1916, the first shot of the Easter Uprising was fired. Six members of the Irish Citizen Army shot

  • Analysis of HMV

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    locations in the UK and Ireland. In 2012 HMV had nearly 20% of the market share, slightly more than Amazon at the time. HMV is one of the largest and most successful entertainment retail store in Europe and is more successful than its rivals such as Virgin megastore who closed down in Ireland in 2002. (McCaughren, 2007). As of 2013 HMV had 16 stores operating all over Ireland in the main cities such as Henry Street, Lucan , Graton Street, Galway and Cork. ( In Ireland HMV’s physical presence

  • Scottish Rock Culture

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    There are many different genres and subgenres within the world of music, each with its own unique sound, beat, and stylistic elements. One particular subgenre of the much broader genre of rock music is that of Celtic rock. This musical subgenre is of Irish, Scottish, and Welsh decent; these countries are often referred to as the Celtic nations. Although Celtic rock stylistically retains the rock ensemble of guitars, bass, and drums, it incorporates cultural themes found in Celtic countries that otherwise

  • Miranda in Jennifer Johnston's Fool’s Sanctuary

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    outlook on life, a love of poetry and music, the importance placed on memories, a sense of humour, the way they love and an inability to accept happiness as reality. Ireland is a spectacular island whipped by harsh weather, steeped in history and torn by wars that have raged for centuries and it is these aspects that contribute to the Irish psyche. Great Irish writers throughout history, such as Yeats and Joyce, have written about these influences in Ireland and the impact that they have on its

  • Basics of Singing: Performing The Song Ireland from Legally Blonde The Musical

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    performing the song “Ireland” from Legally Blonde the Musical. This musical first opened February 2nd, 2007 at the Palace Theatre in New York City. Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin brought Amanda Brown’s novel and the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture to a new life of song and dance. “Ireland” is a piece that presents a different side to a character, Paulette, that is not seen or noted in the film nor the book. This different side of Paulette is the reason I chose the song. “Ireland” is present about

  • How Did The Scots Irish Influence

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    group of presbyterian Scotsmen and relocated them to Ireland to start plantations and farms across areas of Ireland. The Scotsmen relocated to Ireland only stayed there for a generation before they moved to the colonies in North America, taking their culture, art, and music along with them. They were a melting pot of culture and art form, and, with the music they carried with them, they would eventually inspire some of the greatest genres of music we have today. When the Scots-Irish first settled

  • Life Changing Experience

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    life changing experience, a trip to a little town called Kerry on the outskirts of Dublin, Ireland. It was the most beautiful place that I have ever seen. Being in the presence of such beauty helped me see life from a different perspective. I was just going to be happy, appreciate what I have, be open-minded, not take anything for granted, and love everyone and everything. When I came back from Ireland I was truly happy, nothing could make me upset. But after awhile my constant elation came

  • Luck of the Irish

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    island. The Arranmore Challenge attracts from all of Ireland and Great Britain on the June bank holiday. The landmark lighthouse commissioned in 1859, replacing the 1798 lighthouse, has guided fishing boats and ships and saving people, still stands in operation on Arranmore. Arranmore Lighthouse B is for Behron Law--early Irish law, with its origins commencing, relying on decisions of Behrons or judges in an oral tradition in medieval Ireland which may have been an of... ... middle of paper ..

  • Characteristics Of Traditional Irish Music

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    Traditional Irish Music and its Revival: When people think of a ‘folk music revival’, the one most often thought of (at least in America) is the American folk music revival, and some of the biggest figures in that revival: Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, The Kingston Trio, etc. However, the United States is not the only country where a folk music revival has occurred; England, a variety of Latin American countries (such as Argentina and Brazil), Australia, and even more countries have seen their traditional