Microsoft PowerPoint Essays

  • Powerpoint Versus Pecha Kucha

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    PowerPoint and Pecha Kucha are both tools for slideshow-based presentation, but they present information in drastically different ways. The key difference between their formats is in the timing of the resulting slideshow. This time difference gives each program its benefits and disadvantages. PowerPoint is a Microsoft program used for presentations. The presentations consist of a number of slides, which are individual pages, generally shown in landscape orientation. Text, pictures, videos or

  • Technology in the Classroom

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    taking the first step toward technology education in the social studies.” The Social Studies v. 91 no.3. (May/June 2000): 121-5 5.Scott, Thomas J. and O’Sullivan, Michael K. (May/June 2000) 6.Dinan, Susan E. “Technology in the classroom: Microsoft PowerPoint slide shows.” The Sixteenth Century Journal v. 31 no. 2. (Summer 2000): 453-5 7.Dwyer, Victor. “Surfing back to school.” Maclean’s v. 109. (Aug. 26, 1996): 40-6 8. Dwyer, Victor. (Aug. 26, 1996) *All of these sources were located at

  • Spanish Reflective Essay

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    all from memory. I never really had to read, analyze, and summarize an article in any of my previous courses, especially in Spanish. While taking Spanish classes in high school, I was just handed a worksheet with specific instructions to prepare a PowerPoint and note cards about casual and nonchallenging things. Even though I was captain of my speech team for my junior and senior year of high school, I have never been the best at giving presentations in front of my peers individually. Doing presentations

  • Book Review: Presenting To Win By Jerry Weissman

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    numbers sing. The text hopes to help readers create a PowerPoint presentation that is informative as much as it is persuasive. The object is to coach someone into persuading even the hardest audiences with a presentation. Jerry Weissman is known as the world’s best corporate presentations coach. Weissman is the founder of Power Presentations, Ltd., and he works with clients such as Yahoo!, Intel, Cisco Systems, Dolby Laboratories, and Microsoft on their presentation skills. Presenting to Win focuses

  • Business Presentations

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    When conducting business presentations, knowing your purpose and knowing your audience are crucial parts of the preparation process, which will allow you to organize your content to build audience rapport during your presentation. Along with those steps, visual aids and multimedia presentations can help your audience to better comprehend and retain the information being presented. And by choosing an effective delivery method, you can better communicate your information and communicate with the audience

  • The Pros And Cons Of Powerpoint

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    technology dominant in all workplaces is PowerPoint. “Some 30 million [PowerPoint] presentations [occur] each day. It 's the second-most-used corporate communication tool after e-mail” (Wahl, 2003). PowerPoint has taken over the corporate world and has become a presenting tool almost all employees use. Sherry Turkle (2004) says PowerPoint is “developed to serve the needs of the corporate boardroom” (p.

  • Group Evaluation

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    There are 4 stages in group development. The first stage is orientation. During this stage of group of development, we got to know who each person was and what they were studying. My group members were Chris Davis, Maria Agosalim, Myra Portillo, Russel Clay, and Abrahana James. Our group leader was Abrahana James, an 18 year old business major. She assigned everyone to a certain task and made sure that everything was in order. Russel Clay, a 21 year old AG Economics major, was responsible for finding

  • Analysis Of Jane Mcgonigal's Ted Talk

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    In Jane McGonigal’s Ted Talk, “The game that can give you ten extra years of life” explains how she created a game called “Jane the Concussion Slayer” to help her overcome a concussion that didn’t heal properly. McGonigal describes to her audience the different levels and power-ups she created to make herself feel better. In doing so, she believed it helped her tackle challenges with more creativity, determination, and optimism. McGonigal then concludes her speech and challenges her audience to create

  • What Are The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Presentation

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    for an Ofsted inspection. In my opinion, as we had a member of the team that has experienced an Ofsted inspection and have used up-to-date information about the Ofsted process, I think that this has validated our information. A strength of our PowerPoint was that it well planned in advance. By this, I mean that we had evaluated ourselves to understand our personal strengths and weaknesses of presenting. For instance, when I evaluated myself, my strengths were that I can create and design the presentation

  • Function Of A Reflection On Seminar Presentation

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    Reflection on Seminar Presentation Reflection is “an active process of witnessing one’s own experience in order to take a closer look and explore it in depth”. (Amulya, 1999) It is important to reflect back on our actions to develop strategies for survival throughout our lives (Jasper, 2003). It is through reflection that we learn from our mistakes and avoid repeating in the future. There are various models of reflection, I am using Gibbs mode of reflection which entails a six steps process and

  • Beneficial use of Power Point to Tell a Story

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    Jennifer Egan’s “Great Rock and Roll Pauses” has a very interesting format to the story. Unlike traditional stories that are written in an essay format, it utilizes power point and different types of slides to represent what the character is trying to transfer. This is an analysis of young Alison Blake’s power point diary of her family and their difficulty with communication. What were some of the strengths of using the power point system, specifics on various graphics of slides, and how the family’s

  • Audience Analysis

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    Audience Analysis 1 In this audience analysis, I have addressed a situation in which I am called on to present quarterly sales information at an in-person meeting to a group of stakeholders, including managers, salespeople, and customers. I will explain how I will address the communication to this audience by answering the following questions: (1) What characteristics of the audience must I consider?, (2) What communication channels are appropriate? (3) What are some considerations

  • Team Reflection Paper

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    1.The final presentation for my international monetary system class was to be delivered by groups of four, and the group members were assigned by our professor. Two members of my group, as I knew, had trouble understanding most materials we had covered in class. Another member of our group, concerning about the negative influences on our group grade if those two members messed up our presentation, suggested that we should leave those two members alone and finish the presentation by ourselves. I totally

  • Dream Team: The Effectiveness of Teamwork

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    individual of us have the right skill to fit in the right role, for example, more confident group members will present and face the audience while members who are better in typing and writing concentrate more in the research and the making of the powerpoint. In the next team work, I think I should archive the team quality management which said in the literature. It will make my future group be stronger and more effective. Reference: Michael A. West, Effective teamwork [electronic resource] : practical

  • Reflection Essay: My Journey As A Public Classroom

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    My journey as a public speaker over the semester was somewhat challenging. Before I took this class, I believe my public speaking skills was poor. I usually present my speeches reading off the slides which makes it very boring for the audience. I knew that eye contact is very important to maintain during the speech. I know that public speaking skill is a skill that is commonly used in almost all occupations. So, I decided to take this courses, in order to improve my public speaking skills even though

  • Persuasive Speech About The Drinking Age

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    remember it. Another thing that worked best with my organization is my outline. This worked best with my organization because I could set up my PowerPoint with it so the structure of my presentation was correct. An organizational change that I need to make is taking information of the screen and put it into a note card. I noticed I was reading of the PowerPoint slides too much and that interferes with the sound of my voice to the audience. Another one is meeting the full requirements of the speech.

  • Reflection Of Human Communication

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    I. Introduction According to Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary (Farlex, 2012) the “Anthroposemiotics” (human communication) stands for the production and reception of oral, written or gestured information exchange among people. For thousand years the types of human communication has been improved and recognized, which lead to development of a modern society. Micheal Salwen and Don Stacks in their book “An Integrated Approach to Communication Theory and Research” (2009) distinguished the study of

  • Active Participation Strategy Analysis

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    Active Participation Strategy #1: Questioning during initial instruction During the PowerPoint presentation the teacher will engage the whole class by asking questions. Questions are a way of engaging the students and reinforce their participation. When students are required to respond frequently in a lesson they are more attentive. As the participation is increased the accountability is as well (Frey, 2013). Questions of interpretation force the students to examine the meaning of the information

  • Cause Of Rights And Freedoms In The Yugoslavia War

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    Template for Run the Class Task Name of selected event/topic: Yugoslavia Wars Group members (strictly no more than 3): Tom, Luka Tips for running your group: Plan your lesson content and who is going to do what Hold group members accountable to the plan - and have it written down in this document!!! Identify any group issues early with your class teacher Identify group issues in the group evaluation form Notes for creating a successful presentation: Make sure all images are captioned and have specific

  • The Cat's Meow

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    through discovery learning we will find the answers to. Our presentation will then kick into action with a Power Point presentation with the backgrounds about molecules. This will be in a basic lecture form, with both key points and visuals on the powerpoint. The Power Point is aimed to engaged auditory and visual learners as it is important for teaches to adapt their learning strategies to the students needs. Keywords and concepts will be introduced and explained to build upon the already determined