Maine South High School Essays

  • The Differences between the North and South on the Eve of the Civil War

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    Differences between the North and South on the Eve of the Civil War On the eve of the Civil war, both the North and the South had differences, both minor and large. The main difference was Slavery where both sides had a completely dissimilar view point on how the treat black people an example of this is the Missouri compromise in 1820. There were also differences in the rate of industrialisation and Education. The largest difference between the North and the South was the number of free black

  • Game Wardens Research Paper

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    He said college was different from high school and had unique challenges to face as a young adult forcing him to get higher grades. He does not regret going to college because it got him ready for the game warden training group (B.L.E.T.P) which is 60% more academic. He enjoys his job. The

  • The Passamaquoddy Indians

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    Indian Policy. Indians all over the United States fought policies which threatened to destroy their familial bonds and traditions. The Passamaquoddy Indian Tribe of Maine, resisted no less than these other tribes, however, thereby also suffering a hostile anti-Indian environment from the Federal Government and their own State, Maine. But because the Passamaquoddy Tribe was located in such a remote area, they escaped many federal Indian policies. In order to make more eastern land available for

  • Henry Clay: The Great Compromiser of America

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    It was a dark time in the history of the United States. A crisis was shadowing the country and had locked the North and the South at each other’s throats. Tensions were escalating and civil war seemed imminent. One brave man stood up to the challenge of resolving the conflict – Congressman Henry Clay of Kentucky. Despite his old age and illness, he managed to develop a set of compromise measures and convinced both sides to agree to it. This compromise, the Compromise of 1850, may have held off the

  • Stephen King Went Beyond The Nom Analysis

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    There was a period in America’s history known as the Modern Era. In this age, the book industry was revolutionized, with new ways to write. One author went beyond the nom is Stephen King. He is a different kind of novelist, who desires to shake one down to their very soul. King once said, “I don’t want to just mess with your head; I want to mess with your life.” (1King) A brief look into his life and history as well as a few works will show evidence that he wants to incapacitate the reader from normal

  • Factors Contributing to the Start of the Civil War

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    Civil War. The Civil War would last for four years and result in massive American casualties. It would eventually end with slavery abolished and the South under the military occupation of the North. The conflict between the Southern and Northern states did not start suddenly, and did not only appear in the 1860s. Slavery was prevalent in the South and eventually made illegal in the North, which caused Northerners to oppose slavery and Southerners to support it. As a result, there were conflicts

  • John Frank Stevens: An American Civil Engineer

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    John Frank Stevens John Frank Stevens was born April 25th, 1883 near West Gardiner, Maine. Stevens went to Maine State Normal School and later moved west due to a small economy in the local area. Stevens found a job at the Minneapolis city engineer's office. Here he gained a great amount of experience doing tasks in engineering, like building railroads, which helped him start his career as a civil engineer. Stevens became one of the best engineers due to his dedication. He was mostly self-taught

  • Activism Of Benjamin Elijah Mays

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    During his years as a youth, Benjamin Mays would regularly attend school, eagerly pursuing a fix for his incredible appetite for education. Mays suffered from restrictions in many aspects of his youth, with education being the forefront of them, causing a burning desire to break through those walls hindering him from his

  • Effects Of The Southern Colonies

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    colonies had different colonial effects and impacts due to their region. “The flag that was the symbol of slavery on the high seas for a long time was not the Confederate battle flag, it was sadly the Stars and Stripes”, Alan Keyes. In North America, the southern colonies were established by Great British during the sixteenth and seventeenth century. It included North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, and Georgia. Virginia was founded in 1607 by the London Company to find gold. Maryland

  • Slavery in the Late 1700s and Early 1800s.

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    Missouri compromise took into effect, which made it so states North of the 36°30′ parallel would be free and South would be slave and helped give way to new laws regarding the issue of slavery. Slavery had a big impact on the market, but most of it was centered on the main slave crop, cotton. Primarily, the south regulated the cotton distribution because it was the main source of income in the south and conditions were nearly perfect for growing it. Cheap slave labor made it that much more profitable and

  • Jacksonian Democracy

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    Democrats form the Anti-Federalists. What brought this change were economic booms and downturns that had characterized the 19th century economy. Also Missouri Compromise (when Missouri’s proposed constitution admitted for slavery and to balance the states Maine was admitted as a free state) had a hand in bringing about the parties when a group of politicians (of whom Martin Van Buren was apart of) that were organized in a coalition for states rights and limited government that would be later supported by

  • An Inside Look at the American Civil War

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    not be American citizens. This case also decided that the 5th amendment protects property, so they cannot ban slavery in any state. For a long time the belief that the slave industry caused the American Civil War has been emphasized by movies and school books. Historians have a more multifaceted interpretation. The Civil War was caused by many motives, not just because of the need for slave labor on southern cotton farms. The American Civil War began due to various simple events which led to a more

  • Biography of Henry David Thoreau

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    and graphite. By 1845 he got tired of the family business so he went and took up an idea of one of his Harvard classmates who built a waterslide. As spring came Thoreau picked a spot near Walden Pond, Which is a small glacial lake located two miles south of Concord.Thoreau's life was moving on and so wasn't his home. Thoreau left Walden after he passed the peak of his career. His life was losi... ... middle of paper ... ...s work was always rich and full of details, complex contradictions. He appreciated

  • Persuasive Essay: Is It Right To Carry A Gun?

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    Gun violence is a very big topic in the u.s.. some people support the idea of carrying a gun and some people are against it. In the past 5 years many schools have been attacked by criminals with guns and many children and teachers died. So the question is, is it right to carry a gun? On October 1st, 2015 there was a shooting in Umpqua College, a 26 year old man went into a classroom and killed ten people, and seven were wounded. The killer died when he was fighting with the police. They

  • Allegory in J.D. Salinger´s The Catcher in the Rye

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    In 1951 the book “The Catcher in the Rye” was released, ten years later it had become the most censored book in all schools. In 1981 it had become the most censored book in the United States, however in that time it was also the second most taught book in all high schools. “Wolf, Baldassarro R. "World.eduNewsBlogsCoursesJobsPartners." Worldedu Banned Books Awareness The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger Comments., 11 Jan. 2011. Web. 8 Nov. 2013.” “The Catcher in the Rye” is one of the most

  • The History of the World's Most Famous Doll, Barbie

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    Barbie was a new conception that became a worldwide hit. Since her debut in 1959, Barbie has remained one of the most popular toys of all time. There are two Barbie's sold every second, and more than one billion dolls have been sold around the world (Maine, 2000, cited in Slayen, 2011). PROS According to Ruth Handler, Barbie stands for women freedom. Mattel has an "I can be.." line that sells Barbie dolls in 125 different occupations. In this case, Barbie is not promoting something impossible. She

  • Apostles Of Disunion: The Cause Of The Civil War

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    that by prohibiting slavery, the Union was united under one power. So while slavery was not the primary motivation for the Civil War, it played a significant role in setting the tone for the Union. Gallagher uses letters from soldiers from New York, Maine, and Ohio to make the point that there was more of a focus on the state of the nation as opposed to whether or not people had a right to own slaves. One of the soldiers by the name of Edward King Whitman wrote “the Union can only be restored by force

  • Common Core State Standards

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    Since 2010, there were 45 states that have adopted the same educational standards called Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The initiative is sponsored by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers and seeks to establish consistent education standards across the states. The Common Core Standards is initiative state-led effort that established a single set of clear educational standards for kindergarten through 12th grade in English and Mathematical standards

  • The Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing

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    tests are the most frequently used and well known method of testing in the United States as well as numerous other countries in the world. The paper will go in detail about the history of standardized tests along with views from the testing companies, school administration, teachers, researchers, students, and parents. History Standardized tests have been a part of American education since the mid-1800s. Another form was seen in the late 1970s and early 1980s with a short-lived competency test (Linn

  • Pros and Cons of Implementing a Four-Day School Week

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    the four-day week is financial savings for the school district. Anticipated savings are in transportation, food and food service workers, hourly workers and utilities. Savings on school buses and long-term building wear and tear have also been reported. After analyzing Colorado schools operating on four-day school weeks, (Dam) reports that transportation costs can be reduced by 20%. He goes on to say that in order to realize that level of savings, schools must severely limit transportation for activities