Effects Of The Southern Colonies

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The Southern, Middle and Northern colonies had different colonial effects and impacts due to their region. “The flag that was the symbol of slavery on the high seas for a long time was not the Confederate battle flag, it was sadly the Stars and Stripes”, Alan Keyes. In North America, the southern colonies were established by Great British during the sixteenth and seventeenth century. It included North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, and Georgia. Virginia was founded in 1607 by the London Company to find gold. Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore and other Catholics for religious freedom. The Carolinas were founded by people who supported Charles II for farming and trade, they later split into the North and South Carolina. …show more content…

In 1609, the middle colonies were explored by Henry Hudson during an exploration. The major towns in the Middle colonies are Seaports; New York City, New Jersey (limited religious freedom), Delaware, and Philadelphia (religious freedom). Ph People who settled in this colony were mainly Quakers, Dutch, French, Germans, and Scot-irish because they were emigrants from European countries. The Settlers settled by their economic activities, which included farming grains, livestock, cash crops, mining and trading. Land in the middle colonies was flat and the soil was fertile. This allowed the colony to have a good amount of food during the American Revolution. Their local government was a mixture of town meetings and country governments. The religious groups in the colony where Quakers, Catholics, Jews, and protestants (tolerance). Theses religious groups started an educational opportunity in the middle colonies. The middle colonies had fewer slaves than the south because Quakers were trying to abolish slavery. Also, women in the middle colonies were workers in manufacturing like the women in the Northern colonies. Freedom of religion in the middle colonies set a stage in the American Revolution. The First Great Awakening began among the Presbyterians in New …show more content…

The Northern Colonies started the American Revolution, the Middle Colonies set part in the Revolution due to religion, and the British believed that the Southern Colonies had many

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