Enzyme Catalyse Essays

  • Investigating the Effect of the Enzyme Catalyse On Hydrogen Peroxide

    1005 Words  | 3 Pages

    Investigating the Effect of the Enzyme Catalyse On Hydrogen Peroxide Introduction The aim of this experiment is to determine the effects of varying enzyme (catalyse) on Hydrogen Peroxide. Hydrogen Peroxide + Catalyse à Water + Oxygen 2H2O2 à H2O + O2 + Heat Apparatus & Diagram [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] Bung Potato Hydrogen Peroxide Water Collected Oxygen Delivery Tube Measuring Cylinder [IMAGE] Using the Equipment Safely It

  • The Effect Of Temperature On Enzyme Activity

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    The Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity Experiment: To investigate the effect of temperature on enzyme activity. The enzyme used will be catalyse. The enzyme catalyse: The enzyme catalyse is a biological enzyme. It is used to break down Hydrogen Peroxide, which is harmful. The reaction that occurs is: [IMAGE] Hydrogen peroxide Water + Oxygen The activity of the enzyme catalyse can therefore be measured by the amount of oxygen (in the form

  • The Effects of Temperature on the Action of Enzymes

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    The Effects of Temperature on the Action of Enzymes Aim: To see how changing the temperature affects the action of the enzyme. ------------------------------------------------------------------ MY HYPOTHESIS: I think that as the temperature increase the quicker the reaction will become ------------------------------------------------------------------- Outline of method You add ice to 150cm³ of cold water in a beaker to bring its temperature down to 10cº. Then a fixed volume of

  • Investigating the Effects Catalyse Has on Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

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    Investigating the Effects Catalyse Has on Hydrogen Peroxide Solution Aim: I am going to investigate the effects which catalyse has on a hydrogen peroxide solution Preliminary work We would use potato to do the experiment because we had done a previous experiment when we put a piece of potato and liver into a hydrogen peroxide solution and the rate of reaction for the liver was too fast to measure and time. But the potato had a slower reaction which will be easier to time and we can

  • Influence of Temperature on the Activity of Potato Catalase

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    potato catalyse to a point were denaturing occurs in the enzyme and the reaction rate of the potato catalase drops off. Prediction The rate of Catalase activity will be faster at higher temperatures until a point, because at higher temperatures there are more chances of collisions between the enzyme's (Catalase) active site and the substrate (hydrogen peroxide). However the rate depends on the active site being able to join with the substrate, and at higher temperatures the enzyme can be

  • Investigating The Effect of Temperature on the Structure of an Enzyme

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    Investigating The Effect of Temperature on the Structure of an Enzyme Introduction: For my GCSE Biology assessment I will be investigating the enzyme amylase with the substrate starch. This reaction, which I am going to investigate, is called the protein test for starch. Aim: My intention for this observation is to examine how the enzyme catalyses are affected by changes in temperature. Safety Precautions: In this investigation I am going to make sure that everything is as

  • Essay On Catalase

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    Introduction I am picking this topic because I have an interest in enzymes and how they work and how they help us in the world today. The different reactions that you can get from using enzymes and other substances intrigue me. The fact that it reduces prises levels in fruit Juice Company’s is amazing. It is also a great way to see food that have a high H2O2 level in them and find out what foods are bad for the body. I have found it interesting that from what I have been thought in class my come

  • Temperature And Ph Effect On The Enzymatic Activity Of A Amylase

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    Introduction Enzymes are fundamental molecules within Organisms. They are the biological catalysts of the cells; enhancing the rate of biochemical reactions, ensuring metabolic needs are met. These molecules are identified as globular proteins with a three dimensional structure and are composed of one or more polypeptide chains. The polypeptide chain or chains within an enzyme are folded to form a specific active site. Each different structured active site and only catalyses a certain substrate

  • The Uses of Enzymes In Industry, Medicine and Analytical and Diagnostic Processes

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    Uses of Enzymes In Industry, Medicine and Analytical and Diagnostic Processes Enzymes are very precise protein molecules with a high specificity which are used to catalyse chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to take place. It is these properties of being able to break down substances easily and bind specifically to certain chemicals that make enzymes very useful in many industries and practices throughout the world. In addition to this enzymes are not

  • Research Paper On Enzymes

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    Discussion The structure of an enzyme is a globular protein made up of amino acid and polymers which are linked together known as polypeptide bonds. Enzyme molecules are arched into a three dimensional shape, the outside of the molecule have hydrophillic R groups (side chains) ensuring they are soluble. As enzymes are proteins they can be damaged at high temperatures, this is known as denaturing. There are many enzymes in the body which catalyses or speeds up chemical reaction in cells that would

  • Enzymes

    1005 Words  | 3 Pages

    Enzymes Enzymes are biological catalysts. A catalyst is defined as a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanentchange. Enzymes do precisely this in living things. Without them, the rate of the reactions would be so slow as to cause serious, if not fatal, damage. Enzymes have two main functions: To act as highly specific catalysts, and also to provide a way of controlling reactions, the amount of enzyme determines how quickly the reaction

  • Catalase Reaction Essay

    1322 Words  | 3 Pages

    reactions by measuring the volume of oxygen produced as the reaction proceeded. Enzymes are biological catalysts - catalysts are substances that increase the rate of chemical reactions without being altered itself. Enzymes are also proteins that fold into complex shapes that allow smaller molecules to fit into them. The place where these substrate molecules fit is called the active site. The active site is the region of an enzyme where substrate molecules bind and undergo a chemical reaction. The active

  • Enzymes

    597 Words  | 2 Pages

    Enzymes Enzymes are the sparks that start the essential chemical reactions our bodies need to live. They are necessary for digesting food, for stimulating the brain, for providing cellular energy, and for repairing all tissues, organs, and cells. There are three types of enzymes: metabolic enzymes, digestive enzymes, and food enzymes. Metabolic enzymes catalyse, or spark, the reactions within the cells. The body's organs, tissues and cells are run by metabolic enzymes. Without them our bodies

  • A Biological Catalyst

    570 Words  | 2 Pages

    is a catalyst that is produced organically. In other words, a cell makes it. It is usually a protein or steroid molecule that works to catalyse a specific reaction. For example, amylase is a biological catalyst. Biological catalysts are called enzymes. Reactions take energy to get them started. This energy is called the activation energy. Enzymes catalyse reactions inside organisms. A catalyst is a molecule that acts as a matchmaker, bringing together the chemicals

  • Uses of Enzymes in Medicine and Industry

    988 Words  | 2 Pages

    Uses of Enzymes in Medicine and Industry Enzymes are used widely across medicine and industry. Through this essay I will go through some examples of each case, and explain the complexities of these examples. Enzymes are biological catalysts that enable specific reactions to take place. Catalysts are widely used in industry, to increase the rate of a reaction, or allow the reaction to take place without resorting to high temperatures and pressures. One of the most important and widely

  • Chemical Reaction Lab Report

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    Enzymes are proteins that consist of a long chain of different amino acids that increase the rate of chemical reactions by lowering activation energy. (Bbc, 2016) Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required to activate molecules to undergo a chemical reaction, so lowering the activation energy enhances the chemical reaction, allowing it to occur faster and more often. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2016) Chemical reactions happen within cells, with molecules called substrates. (Live Science

  • The Effect of pH on the Activity of the Enzyme Amylase

    1088 Words  | 3 Pages

    Activity of the Enzyme Amylase Aim :- To find the effect of pH on the activity of the enzyme amylase. An enzyme is a type of protein found in all living cells. Enzymes act as biological catalysts, breaking down substrates without needing a high temperature, allowing all the chemical reactions of metabolism to take place, regulating the speed at which they progress, lowering the activation energy and providing a means of controlling individual biochemical pathways. Enzymes owe their activity

  • Vmax And Km Michaelis-Menten Theory Of Enzymes

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    Enzymes are biological catalysts for mainly proteins which speed up reactions without being chemically changed by reducing energy barriers these enzymes can be found in plants and animal cells. Enzymes are able to fold in to complex shapes this allows molecules which are smaller to fit within them. Enzymes join a substrate complex molecule without changing the structure which are temporary held within the active site. When the reaction has occurred the enzymes separates then connects to another

  • Why are most Enzymes made of Proteins and not other Macromolecules?

    1625 Words  | 4 Pages

    Enzymes are biological catalysts that increase the rate of chemical reactions within the cells without any change at the end (Palmer, 1991). In the absence of enzymes, most biological process might not occur. The purpose of an enzyme is to allow the cell carry out its functions in time. As the structure of most biological molecules play a major role in their function, the three dimensional structure of an enzyme is responsible for its catalytic activities. Therefore, enzymes are proteins made of

  • Enzyme Experiment: An Investigation Of The Succinate Dehydrogenase

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    investigation of the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase. Introduction Enzymes are a catalysts that speed up a chemical reaction inside of a cell without being consumed or changed by the reaction. (Wright, W. 2015) Enzymes catalyse reactions by lowering the activation energy that is required for the reaction to occur. (Nature, 2012) In this experiment we will be using Succinate dehydrogenase which is an enzyme that has been extracted from chicken hearts, succinate dehydrogenase is an enzyme of the TCA cycle