Electronic Mail (e-mail) Electronic Mail, a means of communication that is growing at a very rapid rate. In this paper, I will write about introduction of e-mail, the advantage and disadvantage of e-mail, mailing lists, sending an e-mail message, sending attachments, e-mail improvement, and security features. Introduction of Electronic Mail Electronic mail (E-mail) has become popular and easy way of communication in this decade. E-mail is a method of sending and receiving document or message from
Electronic mail is rather a means of communication that is undergoing increasing progress around the world. E-mail messages can be sent across various sorts of networks, both locally and globally. Apart from the Internet there are thousands of local area networks and wide area networks that send millions more messages every day across diverse kinds of transmission cable. Electronic mail over the Internet, the world's greatest computer network, is experiencing exploding growth daily. -Using
Letters vs. E-mail: Communicating through Writing My grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins live in Ireland leaving oceans and expensive air fare separating us. Through pictures, stories, letters, and phone calls I have come to know the history of my family, what brought my mother to this country, and what a life in Ireland is like. However, over time these forms of communication were not strong and consistent enough to enable me to build an emotional connection and relationship with specific
on specific topics-as well as electronic mail and electronic journals. It is used in education, business, and leisure, and students must be able to navigate it to become prepared citizens. This ERIC Digest does not pretend to be an exhaustive list of vocational education resources on the Internet-the list changes daily. It offers suggestions for using the Internet in the vocational classroom and lists newsgroups, World Wide Web (WWW) sites, listservs, and electronic journals of interest to vocational
to them through a normal phone line but the internet has almost done away with that too. Online chatting and voice conferences provide a cheap outlet. One can also see ones loved ones online, all this happening at the same time. This includes electronic mail and online chatting. The internet has brought new opportunities to government, business and education. Governments use it for various processes such as distribution of information and internal communication. Businesses use it to sell and buy
IDEAS. Communication is the most important part of construction. There wouldn’t be projects to complete if there was not communication between the contractor and client. Means of communication vary greatly. Communication is achieved through electronic mail, mobile phones, and pagers. Mobile phones are perhaps the most important part of communication. Mobile phones allow contact between construction crews, owners, clients, and suppliers. Communication between builder (boss) and foreman is critical
called up my E-mail. I had a message from my best friend, Lily. Eagerly I called it up. Seemingly knowing of my bad day, she cheered me up instantly by telling me of her even worse day, after all misery loves company. I typed in a short response and decided to ignore the other mail for now. Just imagine the capability offered to a user, being able to hear from anyone this simply. Maybe a person is at work and decide to write a quick letter. This application is called Electronic Mail, commonly known
time, we can watch big-screen quality movies in our own homes, brew an awesome cup of French espresso without leaving the kitchen, and cooler still—communicate with someone in China, without ever picking up the phone or using a pen. Although electronic mail (a.k.a. email) is mainly used, at least in societies perception, for “quick” (and therefore not terribly important) conversations, I believe email has an important role precisely because it gets rid of the quick and unimportant details before
communication, as effortlessly as making a phone call. It is easy to understand why the Internet is rapidly becoming the corporate communications medium. Using the mouse on your computer, the familiar point-and-click functionality gives you access to electronic mail for sending and receiving data, and file transfer for copying files from one computer to another. Telnet services allow you to establish connections with systems on the other side of the world as if they were just next door. This flood of information
offers to customary users a wide variety of services, but also some drawbacks. Any form of communication via the internet is cheaper and rather faster than any service from other facilities. The electronic mail (email), for instance, allows any user on the internet to send nearly instantaneous electronic message to anyone else. The “internet phone”, which is slowly but surely replacing the regular phone, enables anyone to make free long distance calls, through the computer. With the appearance of
been made in relation to communication have been revolutionary in that they have changed the way we live and act dramatically. For example, the writing on walls, pencils, pens, ink, paper, the printing press, telegraph, telephone, television, electronic mail--these only touch the surface. But, what they all have in common is that they have impacted our lives and the way in which members of society relate to one another, understand and percieve one another. As technology advances, the ways in which
discovered. Messages could be sent over long distances in practically no time. This is an example of how the industrial revolution which brought about the use of machines had benefited people’s life in the past and even today. Instant messaging and electronic mail used by many is an example of how machines have improved our communication today. Machines had also helped in the medical field. Medicine before the 1750's and in the 1750's wasn't well developed. It was impossible to save a patient once there
how to communicate well. Communication is a process involving the encoding and decoding of messages being sent and received by a source and receiver, respectively. Messages are sent through various channels, such as face-to-face interaction, electronic mail, text messages, and telephone. Depending upon the channel used to communicate a message, it may allow for the communication to be transactional or unilateral. All of this occurs within a certain context, and it may also include noise factors,
au/~cavram/papers/tp/tr94-02h.html There are 9 types of transaction processing models 1: Batch systems: 2: Monitor systems : 3: Time sharing systems 4: Advanced virtual terminal front end systems 5: Client server systems 6: Electronic mail and forms 7: Database based groupware 8: (IVR) systems 9: (EDI) systems “Transaction processing systems are information systems which collect data and distribute operational data both within and between organisations. The wide spread
modern marvels including e-mail, instant messenger, and cellular phone text messaging people are able to communicate more conveniently and fairly efficiently. The telegraph, typewriter, and the telephone all posed threats to the art of hand writing and in more recent times e-mail in particular has changed the way people across the globe talk to one another; it has nearly eliminated letter writing. E-mail has also changed the way we read and write. Although electronic mail has gotten more people
speech that was possible on the Internet could now be subjected to governmental approvals. For example, China is attempting to restrict political expression, in the name of security and social stability. It requires users of the Internet and electronic mail (e-mail) to register, so that it may monitor their activities. In the United Kingdom, state secrets and personal attacks are off limits on the Internet. Laws are strict and the government is extremely interested in regulating the Intern et with respect
correct to say it was found through or using the Internet. What it was found in (or on) is one of the computers linked to the Internet. Computers on the Internet may use one or all of the following Internet services: * Electronic mail (e-mail). Permits you to send and receive mail. Provides access to discussion groups often called Listservs® after the software they operate under. * Telnet or remote login. Permits your computer to log onto another computer and use it as if you were there. * FTP
absent it becomes more difficult to figure out what the message sender means. It is much easier to offend or hurt someone in email and that is why it is important to be as clear and concise as possible. Electronic mail (E-mail) cannot replace personal contact. David Angell states that electronic email has many advantages, “…eliminates phone tag, …breaks down the distance and time barriers of telephone calls and traditional written communication, …shortens the cycle of written communication, …improves
systems cheaper, faster, more reliable, easier to use. Computers are forever present in the workplace. Word processors-computer software packages that simplify the creational and modification of documents-have largely replaced the typewriter. Electronic mail has made it easy to send messages worldwide via computer communication networks. Office automation has become the term for linking workstations, printers, database system, and other tools by means of a local-area network. An eventual goal of
technology moving at such a rapid pace, etiquette and ethics have a hard time keeping up. Five years ago few people had even heard of electronic mail or "e-mail" and even today, whether to add a hyphen or not it is of trivial debate. As a society, we hold dear the value of privacy and confidentiality as a basic fundamental right. Access to the new technology of electronic mail can jeopardize both values. What privacy rights should employees enjoy, and how can these be reconciled with the legitimate