Ecotourism Essays

  • Ecotourism

    3048 Words  | 7 Pages

    Ecotourism Ecotourism in the world has been quite big over the years, but has grown in population in the more recent years. There are many different definitions to what ecotourism really is and even if it should be hyphenated because of the history behind it. With or without the use of the hyphen in the word ecotourism, has often resulted in use of the term being little more than a marketing tactic to give businesses and apparent green edge on the competition (Ross, 1999). Ecotourism has been defined

  • Ecotourism

    1268 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ecotourism The phrase ecotourism seems to be on the lips of many travel agents and corporations looking for new ideas in executive or "yuppie" getaways. But many "civilians" are wondering what ecotourism is and what is expected of them if they do go on a so-called ecotour. Ecotourism is defined in different ways, by different groups of people with different agendas. Many tourists are attracted to the adventure that is associated with many remote, natural areas. Others wish to encourage conservation

  • Romania - Ecotourism in Romania

    1959 Words  | 4 Pages

    Fascinating Romania At the eastern edge of Europe, Romania is perhaps best known for its Black Sea resorts, such as Mamaia and the Greco-Byzantine port of Constanta, and the Danube delta, listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site for its rich wetlands and abundant bird-life. The Transylvanian Alps occupy much of the northern half of the country, the waters of their many spa resorts having been appreciated for their healing properties since Roman times. Romania offers a rich tapestry tourist attractions

  • Ecotourism in South American Countries

    3766 Words  | 8 Pages

    Ecotourism in South American Countries Synopsis: We are living in a world that tends to put developed nations against indigenous peoples. Foreign developers seeking cheap labor and natural resources on untouched lands are exploiting cultures that have survived for centuries on their own. South America is a continent that possesses rich indigenous culture that is still relatively untouched by outsiders. Americans have the ability to preserve that heritage through organized efforts to encourage

  • Is Ecotourism a Viable Tool Toward Sustainability?

    1472 Words  | 3 Pages

    over what exactly ecotourism is. The International Ecotourism Society offers a succinct and often cited definition: “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people” (TIES). Ecotourism is often tied to the concept of sustainable development. “Sustainable tourism development meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future” (WTOa). As the notion of ecotourism gained popularity

  • The Importance Of Ecotourism In Costa Rica

    854 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction: Ecotourism is described as tourism that has a low-impact on the environment, gives back to the local economy, engages in cultural experiences, and encourages environmental education. Ecotourism was originally created in the 1960’s in response to declining environmental and economic conditions throughout the Developing World. Since its creation, many governments within Developing Worlds have adopt and encouraged ecotourism as a way of attracting tourist. Costa Rica is one of the leaders

  • Ecotourism, Tourism, and Development in Mexico

    2767 Words  | 6 Pages

    Ecotourism, Tourism, and Development in Mexico “The issue of growth in the travel industry - how much, how fast, what kind - is crucial to the future of communities, local lifestyles and cultures, and the natural environment. There are a variety of instabilities and inequities associated with the expansion of tourism. If the social costs of infinite growth (human consequences of ecological pollution, centralized concentration of power, inequitable income distribution) are as high as they appear

  • Ecotourism in South American Countries: Has the Agenda Changed?

    3714 Words  | 8 Pages

    Ecotourism in South American Countries: Has the Agenda Changed? In many South American countries, there is a program in effect called Ecotourism. When the idea was initially though of, many of the developing countries of South America, had very poor economies as well as many suffering people. To act as a means of improving the status of these poor countries, the idea of Ecotourism was developed. In essence, Ecotourism is a program that permits tourists to visit and explore countries in South

  • Ecotourism

    834 Words  | 2 Pages

    A true nature-lover’s dream, ecotourism allows the average traveller to enjoy pristine nature in its original form. Ecotourism, also known as jungle tourism, responsible tourism, and sustainable development, is one of the fastest growing trends in the tourism industry. Defined as responsible travel that benefits environmental conservation and improves the well being of local people, it acts as an alternative to conventional tourism, aiming to educate the traveller, provide funds for ecological conservation

  • Essay On Ecotourism

    702 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ecotourism is defined as “responsible travel to natural area that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people, and involves interpretation and education” by The International Ecotourism Society. Multitudes of areas around the world participate in ecotourism due to either their rare or unusual natural ecosystems. These ecotourism reserves are meant to conserve fragile environmental areas and teach the tourists about and how to protect the specific environments. But very

  • Benefits Of Ecotourism

    1360 Words  | 3 Pages

    ECOTOURISM AND SUSTAINABILITY Ecotourism is touted as a successful tool for promoting sustainable economic practices in developing nations, and for encouraging environmental conservation worldwide. The guiding principle of sustainable development is to meet the needs and aspirations of a region's present generation of people without compromising those of future generations. Sustainable development policies also seek to develop economic systems that run with little or no net consumption of natural

  • The Importance Of Ecotourism

    847 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ecotourism is commonly viewed as an excellent education platform to learn more about taking up initiative and responsibility to conserve the natural environment. It strongly encourages education about cultures and environment which how ideally one should contribute in some ways to preserve that culture and its natural surroundings. Visiting these remote destinations, whether inhabited or uninhabited, are usually under the protection of governments, conservation or scientific organisations, or private

  • Negatives Of Ecotourism

    911 Words  | 2 Pages

    When some people hear the word ecotourism, the first idea which born in their mind is a tourism without harming the nature. This is certainly true, but it is not a clear and full definition. Moreover, not all people are aware of what harms tourism actually cause. Thus for someone an eco-tourist is the person who travels without civilization benefits, such as: good cars, comfortable lodging, power and hot water usage; who stays overnight at an open a fire in the open air and harming the nature less

  • Ecotourism Essay

    1220 Words  | 3 Pages

    1.1. History and development of Ecotourism Ecotourism seems to have developed "in the womb" of the environmental movement in the 1970s and 1980s (Blamey R., 2001). Increasing environmental interest coupled with an emerging disavow for mass tourism has led to an increased demand for experiences based on the nature of alternative tourism. At the same time, countries have begun to realize that nature-based tourism is a means of accumulating foreign exchange and providing less destructive use of resources

  • Essay On Ecotourism

    1432 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ecotourism typically involves travel to destinations where the physical environment and cultural background are the main attractions and is meant to give tourist another view of the impact of human beings on the environment, and to foster a greater appreciation of our natural habitats. In recent years, “ecotourism has emerged as one of the fastest-growing sectors of the tourism market, influenced primarily by public demand for more environmentally and responsible tourism” (Boo, 1990, Eagles et al

  • The Disadvantages Of Ecotourism

    798 Words  | 2 Pages

    1. Ecotourism Ecotourism adds significant positive contributions in the way people are informed/ educated about the environmental they are vacationing at. This may deal with learning about the wildlife or experiencing the local culture. On top of that individuals are able to appropriate the culture correctly or being able to experience the wildlife in a safely manner. People that take these tours are going into areas that can be considered endangered or unsafe, due to pervious perceptions. However

  • Ecotourism Case Study

    1697 Words  | 4 Pages

    impacts. The necessity of a measurement and assessment standard for auditing environmental impact Option 3: Social awareness is the key to balance tourism development and sustainable preservation Option 4: Sustainable models of tourism, especially ecotourism, should be a part of a preservation strategy in order to maximize their environmental benefits. Summary of the Literature

  • Negative Effects Of Ecotourism

    1081 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ecotourism, defined by the International Ecotourism Society (TIES) as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people and involves interpretation and education” has been one of the fastest growing industries since the 1990s (TIES). Due to climate change and human activities such as logging, fishing, hunting, and landscaping, conservation efforts are underway all over the world to preserve natural habitats and the wildlife living in

  • The Environmental Benefits Of Ecotourism

    1566 Words  | 4 Pages

    Ecotourism is the responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well being of the local people and involves interpretation and education. Ecotourism is a new form of tourism that is recently being adopted in underdeveloped countries. Oaxaca is one of the poorest states in México. There are no industries and there are very few ways to earn revenue. Most of the communities live in poverty and there is a lot of immigration to USA. 25 years ago some NGO`s started helping

  • Ecotourism In Costa Rica

    909 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ecotourism is defined according to Higgins (2006) as travel that preserves the environment and promotes the welfare of local people. Costa Rica is often viewed as the epicenter of ecotourism; in brief it has become the leading destination for ecotourism in Latin America (Horton, 2009). Although ecotourism has been an integral part of the Costa Rican economy over the past decades, there is a significant need to look into the neoliberal policies that drive the sector as there is research that illustrates