Earth Metals Essays

  • The Negative Side of Rare Earth Metals

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    “Rare Earth Plant Ready, But in a Glut,” by Keith Bradsher it is mentioned the rare earth metals this company will be producing can be found in many cell phones, flat screen televisions, computer hard drives, and wind turbines that are used in the United States today. If this company is not opened it will cut down a fifth of the rare earth metal being mined and it will cause the cost of these rare earth metals to increase. There are many benefits to the refinery mentioned in “Rare Earth Plant

  • Magnesium

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    the alkaline earth metals. Natural magnesium contains three different isotopes, and there are twelve others that are recognized. Seawater is a rich source of magnesium in the form of salt. Magnesium is the eighth most abundant element in the earth's crust. Magnesium readily ignites upon heating in air and burns with a dazzling white flame. To extinguish the flame water should not be used. Alkaline earth metal salts in general, are less soluble in water than the corresponding alkali metal salts. Some

  • The Uses and Significance of Group Two Compounds

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    two electrons have a positive Two charge or +ve. The Group 2 elements are all metals with a shiny, silvery-white colour. The alkaline earth metals are high in the reactivity series of metals, but not as high as the alkali metals of Group 1. These elements are all found in the Earth’s crust, but not in the elemental form as they are so reactive. Instead, they are widely distributed in rock structures. The metals of Group 2 are harder and denser than sodium and potassium, and have higher melting

  • Strontium Research Paper

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    periodic table, Strontium. Its name comes from the town Strontian, Scotland where it was discovered. Strontium is a metal and belongs to the alkaline earth metals. “The alkaline earth elements are metallic elements found in the second group of the periodic table. All alkaline earth elements have an oxidation number of +2, making them very reactive. Because of their reactivity, the alkaline metals are not found free in nature” (Bentor). Being in period number five, Strontium has an atomic number of thirty

  • Alkaline Metals

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    known as the alkaline earth metals are key components to humanity and life as we know it. Without them, many things that we both love and need would be gone. These remarkably diverse yet very similar elements that make up the alkaline earth metals family are: Beryllium (Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Strontium (Sr), Barium (Ba), and Radium (Ra). Although this family is often overshadowed by the infamous alkali metals, you will soon learn how spectacular and brilliant these metals really are and their

  • oxygen

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    (-297.4oF) Density (1 atom, 0oC) 1.429 g/lValence2electronic config.2-6 or 1s22s22p4.Oxygen is one of the must important factors that made it possible for life to exist in this planet. Oxygen is also one of the elements must found in earth. Oxygen can be found in in metals, water, and even the one thin that protects us from the powerful sunrays. Oxygen is a very unstable element, which makes it easy to make compounds with other elements creating different kinds of solids and liquids. Oxygen is found

  • Calcium Research Paper

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    metallic element that is greyish-silver in colour and has the atomic symbol of Ca. It is a group 2 alkaline earth metal and is the 5th most abundant element by mass in earth’s crust. It is also reactive with water and is relatively soft. It is an essential element for organisms, and is major material that is used in the materialisation of teeth, bone and shells. It is also the most abundant metal located within animals. 1. When and how the element was discovered including who discovered it and the

  • The Bronze Age: A Brief History Of Metals

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    History of Metals 1. The earliest known metals were gold and copper. These metals were found so early but they are high unreactive and found quite abundantly in their natural state. Ancient peoples used metals for many things including jewellery and ornaments, decorative pieces, weapons and tools. Some metal were highly popular for jewellery and decorating because of its lustre and malleability. Whereas other metals were used to make tools and weapons because they could easily be shaped and were

  • Gold

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    precious metal. A symbol of wealth and prosperity, it has been a value for explorers and adventurers and a lure for conquerors. Today it is vital to commerce and finance; popular in ornamentation, and increasing importance in technology. The nature of gold is diverse. The chemical element gold is a heavy, soft metal. It weighs nearly twice as much as lead. Shiny and deep yellow in color, gold is one of two metals, which are not gray or white when pure. Gold is the most ductile of metals. Properties

  • Aluminum

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    Deville, in France, obtained the metal by reducing aluminum chloride with sodium. Aided by the financial backing of Napoleon III, Deville established a large-scale experimental plant and displayed pure aluminum at the Paris Exposition of 1855. Aluminum is a lightweight, silvery metal. The atomic weight of aluminum is 26.9815; the element melts at 660° C (1220° F), boils at 2467° C (4473° F), and has a specific gravity of 2.7. Aluminum is a strongly electropositive metal and extremely reactive. In contact

  • Alchemy

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    Alchemy, ancient art practiced especially in the Middle Ages, devoted chiefly to discovering a substance that would transmute the more common metals into gold or silver and to finding a means of indefinitely prolonging human life. Although its purposes and techniques were dubious and often illusory, alchemy was in many ways the predecessor of modern science, especially the science of chemistry. The birthplace of alchemy was ancient Egypt, where, in Alexandria, it began to flourish in the Hellenistic

  • Copper Metal Essay

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    is the metal that archaeologists suggest is the first metal to be extracted by humans and therefore is a metal that is extensively used by humans. The period of time in human history that copper metal is thought to have been first discovered is the transition from the Stone Age to the age of metals, also known as the Copper Age which was from five thousand to three thousand BC. Originally copper metal was used to make ornaments, tools, weapons and cooking utensils. Copper is a soft metal so using

  • Precious Metals

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    A metal is deemed “precious” because of its rare quality and high economic value. Precious metals are naturally occurring metallic elements characterized by their impressive resistance to both corrosion and oxidation. Precious metals known today include the coinage metals; gold and silver, and the platinum group metals; platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, and osmium. In general, precious metals are less reactive than most elements. They are also ductile and have a high luster. Some

  • Metal And Architecture

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    Metal and architecture has evolved over centuries, with successive eras opening up new technical and elegant possibilities through the development of different types of metals. Metals are dense, lustrous materials that are highly conductive of heat and electricity. Some facts about metals are that they are generally ductile, meaning that they can be hammered thin or drawn into wires. Metals can also be liquified by heating and then resolidified by cooling. Presently metals are the strongest building

  • Explain With References To Chemical Properties Why Aluminium The Most Common Metallic Element

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    the 19th century whereas gold, a much rarer element was one of the first metals used. (10 marks) Gold was discovered around 6000 BC; it was first discovered in its Natural state un-combined. Gold can be found in the earth’s crust in two different types of deposits: Lode deposits which are deposits in solid rock and placer deposits which are found in stream beds. Aluminium is the 3rd most common element and the most abundant metal. However it was not extracted and used in its pure form until 1825 many

  • Periodic Table Artifacts

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    be used to predict properties of elements, even the elements that have not been discovered. I find it fascinating that the Periodic Table can discover new elements and it organizes a ton of information about elements. The elements on the left are metals and the elements on the right are nonmetals which are shown how they are related to one another by columns, which are the groups, and the rows, which are the periods. The periods and groups indicate how the elements have similar characteristics and

  • Platinum

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    10 of the periodic table. Platinum is the most important of the group of elements called platinum metals. Also included in this group are the metals ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, and iridium. Platinum metals were probably used in alloyed forms in ancient Greece and Rome and were first mentioned in European literature in the early 16th century. The separation of the other platinum metals from platinum and from each other was accomplished in the early 19th century. An Italian scientist

  • Metal And Society: The Uses Of Metals In Society

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    Metals are currently in high demand by society. A high percentage of common everyday items you use and see utilises a form of metal. That wooden table in a common kitchen that looks like it is made completely of wood. Metals are still used in that "completely wooden table" as the screws used to hold it together are made of metals. Many commonly used metals such as iron, aluminium, and/or copper are all found from ores. An ore is a mixture in the form of a rock that is mined. For example, bauxite

  • Alchemy

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    Alchemy The science by aid of which the chemical philosophers of medieval times attempted to transmute the baser metals into gold or silver. There is considerable divergence of opinion as to the etymology of the word, but it would seem to be derived from the Arabic al=the, and kimya=chemistry, which in turn derives from the late Greek chemica=chemistry, from chumeia=a mingling, or cheein, 'to pour out' or 'mix', Aryan root ghu, to pour, whence the word 'gush'. Mr. A. Wallis Budge in his "Egyptian

  • Yttrium Research Paper

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    Yttrium is element 39 on the periodic table. Its atomic mass is 88.9059 and the complete electron configuration is 2-8-18-9-2. Although it is a transition metal, located in group 3 on the periodic table, it forms only one ion, with a +3 charge. Yttrium was discovered by Johan Gadolin in 1789 and is an iron gray color. In 1787, Carl Axel Arrhenius, who was an army lieutenant as well as a part-time chemist, found a heavy black rock near Ytterby, which is located in Sweden. He thought it had tungsten