Doppler Effect Essays

  • Doppler Effect Essay

    1087 Words  | 3 Pages

    Maxim Gurevich Doppler Effect Physics IA Introduction The Doppler Effect is a wave phenomenon that can be heard every day. It affects different sound differently depending on their sources’ speed relative to the observer. I noticed this when I observed that if the source moves too slowly, the effect is less apparent. I wanted to explore this situation, and to fulfill my curiosity, I used a sound emitter traveling in a circle. I asked this question: “How does the angular velocity of a sound emitter

  • Doppler Effect Essay Example

    1368 Words  | 3 Pages

    Doppler radar Meteorologists and weather analysts use the Doppler Effect to read weather events. In this case, the fixed transmitter is located at a weather station and the moving object being studied is a storm system. This is what happens: 1. Radio waves are emitted from the transmitter at the weather station at a specific frequency. 2. The waves are large enough to interact with clouds and other atmospheric objects. The waves strike the atmospheric objects and bounce back toward the receiver at

  • Relativistic Doppler Effect and the Misunderstandings of Special Theory of Relativity

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    The present paper discusses the relativistic Doppler effect and tries to found misunderstandings in the present state of the Special theory of relativity. The author's conclusion that he found some “blue shift” which contradicts with time dilation is wrong. The weakest feature of the paper is that although the formulas, presented by authors, are in general correct, but they do not support the conclusions the author extract from them, and mistake is hidden in the interpretation. Let's focus on the

  • Principles of Physics in Ultrasound

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    frequency at about 20kHz when the sound is no longer audible and above the frequency disturbance, this is know as ultrasound. The first major breakthrough in the evolution of high frequency echo-sounding techniques came when the piezo-electric effect in certain crystals was discovered by Pierre and Jacques Curie in Paris in 1880. The turn of the century saw the invention of the Diode (component that restricts the direction of movement, allows an electric current to flow in one direction)

  • Meteorology Essay On The Atmosphere

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    consists of? What's it made out of, what type of weather patterns are there, what does a hurricane look like, or other natural phenomenon's of today's weather ? Well America, hopefully now we can! Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and the effects it has on our weather. Climatology focuses on how atmospheric changes alter the world’s climates, aeronomy is the study of the upper parts of the atmosphere. Meteorology focuses on the lower parts of the atmosphere, primarily the troposphere, where

  • Christian Doppler Biography

    753 Words  | 2 Pages

    Christian Doppler: A Biography Have you ever wondered why a car is much louder coming towards you, than it is going away from you? Or, have you been baffled at how loud an ambulance siren is before it passes you, only for it to be much quieter going away from you? This trend has been dubbed the “Doppler Effect” and was named after proclaimed physicist Christian Doppler. Through years of schooling and many more years of teaching, Doppler was able to amass plenty of credibility in the field of science

  • Physics of Speed Detection

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    Speed detection is one of the most notorious functions of our local and state police. How do they know how fast we are going? Speed determination is accomplished in two basic ways. First, the least sophisticated method is dependent upon an officer's ability to guess your speed. Second, either some electronic method using radar or laser instrumentation authenticates that officer's guess. As you will see, their guesses are usually right on target. What does this mean for you? Usually a

  • The Cosmos: Creation

    609 Words  | 2 Pages

    wavelength was longer than that of the light emitted from the corresponding atoms in the lab. Furthermore he found that the farther away the galaxy was the more it was shifted toward the red end of the spectrum. Hubble attributed this shift to the doppler effect. Hubble saw this and concluded that all galaxies are rushing away from us and the universe is expanding as a whole. Modern equipment has observed and verified this so-called Hubble expansion exists throughout the observable universe. This shows

  • Quasars

    1858 Words  | 4 Pages

    hypothesis. Three hypotheses have been advanced to account for the supposed redshifts: 1. Cosmological hypothesis; the redshifts are due to the expansion of the universe, 2. Gravitational hypothesis, 3 Local-Doppler hypothesis; in this hypothesis the redshifts are due to the Doppler effect, but the quasars are relatively nearby and have nothing to do with the expansion of the universe. Of these hypotheses, the first one is the most publicized one. One is led to attribute to quasars very many

  • Kinematics Essay

    546 Words  | 2 Pages

    “The definition of “kinematics” is the study of the motion of objects using words, equations, graphs and diagrams and numbers. Kinematics is a study aimed at explaining the motion of objects.”1 In kinematics velocity plays a key role in explaining the motion that occurs. Although velocity and speed are different (Velocity includes a direction) both are used to describe a motion. There are a few different devices that can be used to measure the speed of an object or motion in sports. A radar gun

  • A Futuristic Story

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    The year was 3156. You would imagine there was peace in the world. It was as we were in paradise. There was no suffering in the world and we were the most advanced civilization than any on another planet. That is what we all thought it was going to be like. We were wrong. 300 years ago, darkness had taken over the world. Evil spirits entered from the spirit world to the human world in order to take over everything. It was a catastrophic time, with half the world dead. All the people of the world

  • The Use of Techniques in The Mummy

    651 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Use of Techniques in The Mummy In the extract from ‘The Mummy’, a wide range of techniques are employed in order to convey certain aspects to the audience. The ways in which the camera is used have great effect on the impression given; for example the minimal movement, including slow pans, in order to not detract from the impressive nature of the exotic location – a staple for films of the action/adventure genre. The vastness of the desert is also emphasized by the use of wide shots

  • Effects of Drinking

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    The effects drinking has can cause long term problems. Drinking can affect an individual mental and physical abilities. It can cause slurr speach, flush skin, loss of balance, sexual problems, birth defects in pregnancy, and problems with socity. There are some positive effects to drinking as well as negative effects,although there are more negative effects than positive. For instant, moderate drinking can affect the blood and act as a blood thinner, which can have both positive and negative health

  • resveratrol

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    Resveratrol The discovery of resveratrol dates back to 1939 with the earliest publication of it by Michio Takaoka in the journal of the chemical society of japan. The compound was extracted by crystallization from a fraction of EtOH extracts of Veratrum grandiflorum.1 Resveratrol is most famously found in the skin of red and purple gapes but other sources include cranberries, blueberries and peanuts. Japanese knot weed is also a concentrated source of Resveratrol and is used as a non-synthetic route

  • Causes and Effect for Protest During The Arab Spring

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    Causes and Effect for Protest There was total chaos on the roads, rallies and strikers in some places. They yelled with righteous indignation as well as raised signs to express their requirements for the government. I watched these picture on the TV on 18 December 2010 which called Arab Spring which began in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya was wave demonstrations against governments have never happened before . I think that there were two mainly causes to appear protest in some countries, and we will talk

  • Herbal Acne Treatments

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    acne treatments available in the market, most people prefer treating themselves naturally rather than with the help of chemicals on their skin. Herbal acne treatments are usually adopted as they are light on the skin and have very few or no side effects as compared to the chemical options. Though, before you select a herb for the natural acne treatment, you must research well on them and learn the proper way to make use of them. There are a few herbs that are well known and contain the acne treatment

  • Essay On Political Environment

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    or decrease in tax could be an example of a political element. Your regime might increase taxes for some companies and lower it for others. The decision will have a direct effect on your businesses. So, you must always stay au courant with such political factors. Regime interventions like shifts in interest rate can have an effect on the ordinant dictation patterns of company. Certain factors engender Inter-linkages in many ways. Some examples are: • Political decisions affect the economic environment

  • Stereotyping In Social Work

    951 Words  | 2 Pages

    Stereotyping is defined as judging a group of people with few to no encounters with someone of the minority. The categorization of people is something everyone does knowing and unknowingly on a daily basis. Whether it has to do with: gender, age, race, or sexual orientation. People have preconceptions or pre-formed opinions before meeting people which can cause people to lose out in life before they have even started it. In turn all these missed opportunities can stack up cause people to have a

  • Corruption In Savoir Faire By Claribel Alegria

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    Essay Corruption is a common event that has happened many times in various countries. There are different types of corruption that can happen, and each type has different effects on countries and the people within them. The overall theme of corruption used in Latin American literature describes three different emotions as an effect of the corruption. The author Claribel Alegria wrote three poems that show corruption causing depression within the country, war corruption causing guilt within the participants

  • Mind Over Mass Media Analysis

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    some negative aspects like reducing your ability to concentrate and to think deeply. These two authors have different looks on the situation, and by reading these two articles I believe that it has a more positive affect on the brain than a negative effect. Most people assume that the internet has all of these bad affects on your mind without even researching and looking into it, for example,