Distance Learning Essays

  • Distance Learning

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    Distance Learning Distance education can trace its roots to 1840 when Sir Isaac Pitman, the English inventor of shorthand, came up with an idea for delivering instruction to a potentially limitless audience: correspondence courses by mail. By the 1900s, the first department of correspondence teaching was established at the University of Chicago. The founding of the United Kingdom’s Open University in 1969 marked a significant development of the newest phase of distance learning involving a mixed-media

  • Distance Learning

    1421 Words  | 3 Pages

    Distance Learning In recent years, there has been a trend in the way that many major institutions of higher learning have been teaching their students. This change of pace in the education world is what is known as distance learning. Distance learning is the form of schooling that can be done over the Internet, and never actually being forced to be present in a classroom or even on the campus. According to Joel Snell, correspondence courses were the predecessors to what we now know as distance

  • Long Distance Learning

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    Long Distance Learning Distance education allows you to study at home or in your office, according to your own schedule, there are no classes to attend. Generally, each course comes with a manual that may be accompanied by videotapes, audiotapes, audio CDs, computer diskettes, CD-ROMs, etc., depending on the nature of the course. As well, many courses incorporate computer conferencing, e-mail, listservs, computer-based quizzes, and the Internet. Some courses are entirely on-line, using the World

  • Arguments Against Distance Learning

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    There have been many critics that strongly advocate against the use of distance learning in elementary schools. With the increased availability and choice of new technology, comes many new concerns about the quality of instruction and the threat it may pose to the already established methods of teaching. Many believe that this new teaching method may replace the existing classroom all together, and won’t give students the adequate face-to-face contact they need. Most critics fear that “ineffective

  • Distance Learning

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    alone, there was a 13% increase in registration for distance learning classes throughout the public university system. (Beverly Creamer, 2003) It is now possible for people to learn conveniently from home or office. People that want to go to school can do so now because scheduling and geographic location does not matter with online classes because the class course is brought to the student rather than the student to the course. Is distance learning as effective as classroom based courses? This study

  • Distance Learning vs. the Traditional Classroom

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    Distance Learning vs. the Traditional Classroom Non-traditional students are finding it easier and easier to maintain a job, a family, and pursuing a college career at the same time. This is possible because more and more non-traditional students are receiving an education using distance learning, as opposed to traditional, in-the-classroom teaching. Distance learning is basically taking college level, credit-bearing courses via the Internet. One of the most obvious advantages of distance learning

  • Benefits and Limitations of Distance Learning

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    Benefits and Limitations of Distance Learning Distance Learning Defined Technology is restructuring many aspects of education. An example of this phenomenon is distance education. Distance learning is defined as " the practice of educating learners who are separated from the teacher or trainer and each other by space, time, or both" (Moller 115). Distance education occurs in a non-classroom setting when students participate in course discussions, exercises, and receive assessment from the

  • Distance Learning versus Traditional Learning

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    Distance learning, sometimes called e-learning, is a formalized teaching and learning system specifically designed to be carried out remotely by using electronic communication. People could find out distance learning on the internet or searching form the school, sometimes teachers would introduce the best or the most credibility distance learning web. Such as class.com and University of Phoenix, etc. Distance learning is less expensive and is not constrained by geographic considerations; it offers

  • Distance Learning Essay

    598 Words  | 2 Pages

    effects on many industries especially in higher learning education. The hasty development of new technology provides many opportunities for working students in order to improve their career development and this has helped them in gathering information and enhancing knowledge. In this new era, higher education has move forward to the new type of learning known as E-learning or Open Distance Learning. E-learning is different than the traditional learning in terms of methods of delivering where traditional

  • Blackboard and Distance Learning Technology

    946 Words  | 2 Pages

    Blackboard and Distance Learning Technology Over the years there have been numerous tips, tricks and gimmicks educators have used in an effort to reduce their teaching load. Is there anything that can be done to lessen the scholastic load without sacrificing quality instruction? Yes there is, it's the Internet. Finally applications such as WebCT ™ and Blackboard™ have merged to create the ideal software support application for distance education. These products provide you - the educator -

  • distance learning is good

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    started to think about a way of learning education which does not require the present of students, nor teachers. But that was just an idea, I thought. Then after high school moving on to college, the idea of taking courses without having to be in an actual classroom came true when I found out colleges do offer online classes, with virtual classrooms and interactions. This new education method is called distance learning. Although, many people believe that distance learning is a waste of time because students

  • What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Distance Learning

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    We all know distance learning or conventional learning certainly take watchful arranging. There are numerous advantages and disadvantages of distanced learning. Numerous individuals may feel distance learning is the right learning style for them. I will demonstrate how looking at distance learning and customary learning that both of these are extraordinary relying upon whom the understudy may be and which instructive degree the understudy has picked. The reasons distance learning is broadly acknowledged

  • The Up's and Down's of Distance Learning

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    Even though distance learning has it's ups and downs, students are given the opportunity to better themselves by obtaining a college degree online, advancing in different career and technology fields, as well as tending to life's daily tasks all at the same time. Students who choose distance learning experience victories as well as challenges just like any other student attending school. One of the best things about distance learning is that student's can work at their own pace in the privacy of

  • Distance Learning Annotated Bibliography

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    Introduction Working title: Distance Learning: The Future of Online Degrees This research topic will aim at educating people about the positive contribution which distance learning can have on obtaining a degree. This topic will illustrate the various benefits accompanying distance learning. Various statistical studies, journal articles, and results obtained from various credible databases will be evaluated and used to support the argument. It is important for the research to be supported with

  • Pros And Cons Of Distance Learning

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    DISTANCE LEARNING PROS AND CONS For at least one hundred years, distance learning has been a method of teaching and learning. Distance learning simply means the process of knowledge transfer from instructor or teacher to learners or students by time or physical distance and through the use of internet, video, CD’s, tapes and any other forms of technology to accomplish learning. This essay will argue that distance learning is the best learning method for students in the Pacific Region. Firstly, I

  • Online Distance Learning And Online Learning Strategies

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    strategy is a cooperative learning technique that

  • Distance Learning Essay

    672 Words  | 2 Pages

    Distance Learning is a system of pondering in which lessons are announced or classes are executed by correspondence or over the internet. Distance learning has become very popular for older adults who wish to go back to school and complete their education or increase their education, but it can be beneficial to many students. Online learning allows flexibility which gives you the opportunity to continue your daily routine or commitments. Many courses can be completed in a shorter amount of time,

  • The Pros and Cons of Distance Learning

    1280 Words  | 3 Pages

    In a K-12 setting, distance learning or traditional learning requires careful planning that must take place in order for the educational process to work for the students. When we look at both forms of education there are still pros and cons to both. Although online learning has made a major impact in the world of education, many people have not accepted this form of education. One of the reason for their concerns is that students cannot get fast answers to their questions about the assignment from

  • Facilitating Learning Is Necessary for Distance Education

    630 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction: Distance learning or distance education is not a new concept. They are different definitions for distance education. All of them have one thing in common: facilitating learning. Based on Nipper[] they are 3 generations of distance learning. Print technology is the first generation where the technology of printing press along with postal services is widely used for hundreds of years and known as correspondence learning. In the second generation, broadcasting power of radio and television

  • Distance Learning Ethos Pathos Logos

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    topic “Distance Learning” also known as online learning and e learning. I am going to use ethos in my argument by listing references from credible sources that have outstanding backgrounds in education to help persuade my audience that online learning is just as good as traditional learning. I will also list studies and statistics that have been done supporting my claims. I will also be implementing pathos by explain how some people would have never been able to attend school if e-learning did not