Dangerous Idea Essays

  • Daniel Dennett's Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life

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    Daniel Dennett's Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life Science can give us as good a moral code as any religion. Or so Daniel Dennett claims in his book, Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life. Dennett provides the tools to explain human morality, and inadvertently leads the way to the conclusion (which he does not share) that science can clarify how human morality came about, but not serve as a substitute or model for moral codes, religious and secular

  • Darwin’s Dangerous Idea

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    At the beginning of the 1800s, scientists knew of some kinds of fossils, and were very aware of homologous and vestigial structures. Many scientists suspected that some kind of evolution had given rise to living things around them. However, they had no theory to explain how evolution might have occurred. Two scientists led the way in the search for a mechanism of evolution. The first was Jean Lamarck. The second was one of the greatest figures in biology, Charles Darwin. What is evolution? Evolution

  • Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection and Social Darwinism

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    applied to moral, economic, political, and other cultural aspects of society. Dennett briefly touched on some of the political and social ramifications of Darwin's theories in the final chapter of Darwin's Dangerous Idea. Other philosophers and thinkers have also adapted Darwin's evolutionary ideas, in order to apply them in a societal or cultural context. One great example of this adaptation of the biological concept of evolution, is the appearance of Social Darwinism during the 19th century. Social

  • The QWERTY Phenomenon and the Game of Cricket

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    The QWERTY Phenomenon and the Game of Cricket In "Darwin's Dangerous Idea", Dennett describes the QWERTY phenomena in biological and cultural evolution as an example of how "mere historical happenstance... restrict[s] our options" (6:131). Economists add a value judgment to this description, some using QWERTY as an example of market failure and inefficiency. However, the evolution of QWERTY, like cricket, follows rules that are enigmatic at first glance. Economists do not pursue the analogy

  • Nietzsche's New Morality as Reaction to the Old

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    his book. The three essays that make up On The Genealogy of Morals each deal with a certain stage of cultural development of morality. In order to establish chronology, the second section should precede the first, as noted by Dennett (Darwin's Dangerous Idea, 1995) . Essay I deals with the origins of "good" and "bad" as pertaining to the master and slave moralities. Essay II delves into the origin of guilt and bad conscience, while Essay III offers a discussion of the "ascetic ideal." I will concern

  • Emily Dickinson and Daniel Dennett

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    impulses, and the like. Some people feel uncomfortable "that 'self,' rather than being safely housed in some form resistant to physical disturbance, might actually, itself, be a material thing" (2). Reading Dickinson, I do not. Not until Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life (3) did I begin to squirm. But Dickinson's "theory" is every bit as radical and not dissimilar to Dennett's. Does the human brain take a different (intentional, physical, design) stance when assessing scientific

  • Charles Darwin's Dangerous Idea

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    Charles Darwin once said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” In PBS’s Documentary Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, this is exactly what naturalist Charles Robert Darwin thought. Charles Darwin was born February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England to Dr. R. W. Darwin and Susanna Darwin, he was the second youngest of six children. Mr. Darwin grew up in a fairly wealthy family who loved nature, so as a

  • Daniel Dennett's Darwin's Dangerous Idea

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    Lexico Publishing Group, LLC, 2003 http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=moral 2 "Ought 2" Dicionary.com. Lexico Publishing Group, LLC, 2003 http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=ought Works Cited: 1. Dennett, Daniel. Darwin's Dangerous Idea. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. 2. Dicionary.com. Lexico Publishing Group, LLC, 2003

  • A Critical Analysis Of William Blake's Infant Sorrow?

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    myself thinking that someday I would really like to have a family and have children, but now I question if that would be the best idea to bring them here with the way society is. “ My mother groaned! My father wept. Into the dangerous world I leapt. Helpless, naked, piping loud; Like a fiend hid in a cloud” (lines 1 through 4) He went into the world knowing it was dangerous and his parents were just sad of what was to come. It is not your average birth fantasy. Clearly, William Blake is a great poet

  • Safety First Essay

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    The idea of Safety First is a noble one. It’s often a workplace culture, and both government organizations and corporations alike have adopted it. As a result, vast improvements have been made to manufacturing techniques, product quality, and laws governing safety. For instance, the semiconductor industry is just such an environment. According to the latest statistics from NIOSH, the semi industry ranks 7th lowest in accidents reported, of all industries surveyed. In the semi industry, meetings at

  • Critical Analysis Of Steven Pinker's In Defense Of Dangerous Ideas

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    In Defense of Dangerous Ideas In the short essay “In Defense of Dangerous Ideas”, the author, Steven Pinker, argues that we must be free to express “dangerous ideas.” These ideas can be anything remotely controversial; making a variety of people uncomfortable or offended. According to Pinker, there is a certain way that society should function. He often refers to the ones in charge, the ones asking the questions, as “intellectually responsible.” As for the rest of society, they are simply the ones

  • Defending Jacob Symbolism

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    behavior of Jacob are quite similar to his very own pocket knife as they are both inherently dangerous. Take one glance at a knife and even with the most elementary knowledge, it is instantly common ground that this “tool” is not something to be taken jokingly. By featuring a design to help it fulfill its entire purpose (a keen, meticulously crafted curve), something it must contain to be useful, it becomes a dangerous tool. As soon as Andy Barber

  • How Did Michael Jackson Impact Pop Culture

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    Michael Jackson's Impact on Pop Culture What do you get when you add together 13 number one singles, 17 Grammy awards, and over one billion albums being sold across the globe since his first solo debut? As soon as the assignment was given and I found out it was going to be over pop culture of, course my mind went straight to the King of Pop himself... Michael Jackson. The true impact Michael had on pop culture may never be surpassed. Jackson has touched the lives of many through his music

  • Constructivism In Ethics And Metaethics

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    So if someone values something that is irrational, it is rational in this case for them because in it there is truth. Street also says “the debate about mind dependence…is where the most philosophical action is” (380). Something can be moral if the idea is fabricated by their own personal choice. No one except for the individual can create rules and truths for themselves. Truth is different inside each person and is dependent on their mind. So if something is valued by a person, it logically holds

  • Why Is Genetic Modification Wrong

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    There are many unique ideas and opinions on the topic of genetic modification of children. Some people presume true that you should not play god and genetically modifying babies is wrong. Others may believe that GM is guaranteed to make the world a better place that is rid of diseases and “perfect.” Is there really a right answer? Modifying our future children could potentially cause a positive effect on our lives as we know it today; however, there are many ways it could take a turn for the worse

  • My Political Ideology In The United States

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    ideology; for example, baseball teams or preferences in drinks and food. The American ideology is liberalism. This ideology was created from the puritans and since then liberalism has been a part of American theory. The American ideology comes from the idea that the individual precedes the government. I am an Egyptian citizen and my country’s ideology is conservatism, but my own personal ideology is Liberalism. I believe in equality, rationalism, individualism, freedom, but I do not believe in the free

  • Identities And How They Are Formed

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    this section of the course I have learned about different philosophies and ideas about how identities are formed. The philosophies that make the most sense to me are the ideas of John Locke, Jean- Jacues Rousseau, Charles Harton Cooley and George Herburt Mead. Also the ideas focused on in my exercise have as well helped me to form an idea where identities come from and what they mean socially. John Locke had the idea that people in a society truly want to live together in harmony and that people

  • Analysis Of Idea In 'Haircut'

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    Analysis of Idea in "Haircut" In accordance with the writings of Hugh H. Paschal, "Idea is often equated to theme, the central meaning of a literary work" (67). To reiterate, it may be said that idea is the central objective thought the author is attempting to impress upon his reader through his writings. The importance of idea in literature lies in the fact that usually it goes beyond a single statement such as might be found in an essay to include many provocative insights into a diverse number

  • Run Lola Run

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    Lola’s red and Manni’s yellow. Red is the colour which represents dangerous, passion and love. Lola’s red hair represents her powerful and aggressive character and her passionate feelings towards Manni. To accentuate the passion between Lola and Manni, such as in the scenes where they are in bed having discussing their relationship, emphasising with the hot colour the idea of their love story. The yellow colour represents dangerous and apprehension to the story. Manni’s hair, the telephone booth and

  • Nature Of Man In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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    fulfill Hobbes’ ideas of man by integrating events in the plot that reference Hobbes’ ideas. Golding incorporates many of the ideas of man throughout this fictional plot which helps lead to the major theme of human nature. In Leviathan, Hobbes identifies the nature of man as being signified by three principal causes of quarrel which are diffidence. Within the story line Golding is able to incorporate these three parts of the nature of man by using the plot to demonstrate the idea of nature vs. nurture