Cults Essays

  • Cults

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    Cults Each year, hundreds of North Americans join one of the increasing, estimated 3000 unorthodox religions that exist across North America. The increasing number of cults, to date in North America, is due to the fact that cults are a social movement that attempts to help people cope with their perceived problems with social interaction. Cult recruiters target those who perceive themselves as different from the rest of society, and give these individuals the sense of belonging that they

  • Cults

    1149 Words  | 3 Pages

    Cults have become a phenomenon in our world today. Each year "hundreds of Canadians join some of the 3,000 unorthodox religions of one type or another" (Fernell, Branswell, 189) all across North America. Like every organization, club or even in the common work place there is usually a person who is a figure of authority or other wise know as a "leader" and with every leader there are always rules and objectives that each and every member has to do and follow. The common psychological profile and

  • Cults

    571 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cults Many people feel that cults are nothing more than a nontraditional religion, because of beliefs, organization, and interest. Cults are much more than just little religions. They are a dangerous, and in the United States there is little we can do about it. The term cult has many different meanings. According to Jan Groenveld, a cult researcher and author, Christians define a cult as anything that differs from traditional orthodox teachings, but the general definition is that, a cult

  • Cults

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    Cults On March 29th, 1997, thirty nine men and women took their own lives in the belief that they would travel to a space ship hidden behind the Hale-Bop comet. The "Heaven's Gate" cult planted these beliefs within their members, resulting in a mass death. It is cults such as these that weave a sense of panic through society. What defines a cult? A cult is a group that has an intense devotion to a person, object, or set of usually new ideas. Cultus is a Latin word translating

  • What is a Cult?

    1226 Words  | 3 Pages

    A cult is a good place for social outcasts to express their ideas freely, to feel safe, and to be enlightened for the future. A cult is a good thing to be involved in especially if you are a delinquent or criminal. Most people that join cults have a desire to belong, a lack of self-confidence, a desire for spiritual meaning, or to quit their addictions. A cult is a religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme. The

  • Cult Brands

    841 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cult Brands Maslow's postulated that we humans have an ascending order of needs and used a hierarchal pyramid to prioritize them. At the bottom levels of the pyramid are our physiological needs, which include basic things like food, shelter, and clothing that we all need to survive. At progressively higher levels in Maslow's Hierarchy are the needs for safety and security, social interaction, and self-esteem. At the very top is self-actualization, a term Maslow coined to describe the ultimate

  • The Cult You’re In

    1918 Words  | 4 Pages

    day and you want it. During the length of this paper we will talk about two important writers, Kalle Lasn the writer of “The Cult You’re in” and Benoit Denizet-Lewis writer of “ The Man Behind Abercrombie & Fitch”. They both talk about similar topics that go hand and hand with each other, they talk about the consumers “Dream”, how companies recruit the consumers, who cult members really are, how people are forced to wear something they don’t want, and about slackers. What is The Dream we all have

  • Cult Essay

    692 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cults can be bad influences in several different ways. This article is about real facts of why cults make society a much worse place. Cult- a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. There are different cults all across the world. All different cults have distinctly different beliefs and devotions. For instance, there are some cults that are formed to follow a particular real life figure, and some cults that are formed to follow (or worship) a spiritual

  • Utopian Cults

    1109 Words  | 3 Pages

    For many years, cults have been a subject of great controversy. A cult is a group of people that are bound together by an appreciation of the same thing, person, ideal, etc. Usually these groups keep close because of religious reasons, but their beliefs are almost always considered strange by outsiders. Cults are similar to clans or congregations, but are usually referred to as sects. There are many different categories that a cult could be sorted into. Apocalyptic, Utopian, Spiritualistic, Satanic

  • Cult Rule

    753 Words  | 2 Pages

    forming a cult around pizza. If the subject is believed in, then that ideal has the potential to be a good thing in the world. Another way to look at it is if you are passionate enough about the subject then you are able to continue to worship it over time. Cults can only be successful if the devotees are truly passionate about the idea, to be worth the excessive worship. When thinking of the subject, a good question to ask is whether the world would be a better or worse place if this cult was to form

  • Cargo Cult

    584 Words  | 2 Pages

    why his subjects are so isolated. After reading Rutledge’s thesis paper it became very clear to me why he chose his subject matter. He writes: ...I became very interested in the anthropological phenomenon known as cargo cult. Traditionally found in Melanesia, the term cargo cult refers to a native religious movement holding that at the millennium the spirits of the dead will return and bring with them cargoes of modern goods for the distribution among its adherents. (1) At first entering this

  • Cults Vs. Religions : Cults And Religion

    1258 Words  | 3 Pages

    Cults vs. Religions In recent years, a number of social scientists have argued that the term “cult” should be abandoned in favor of the term “new religious movement” (Olson, 2006). One reason is purely practical: “Cult” carries automatic negative connotations and can cause contention with both the outside community and law enforcement (Szubin, Jensen, & Gregg, 2000). The other reason is somewhat more nuanced; the argument that there is no true difference between a cult and a religion, because one

  • Cult or Religion

    1515 Words  | 4 Pages

    TBA “A cult is just a religion I don’t like.” “All religions are cults.” “Religion is just the search for truth.” We may have heard someone use one of these three statements to explain cult and religion. Yet, are the statements accurate? Though cult and religion do share some characteristics, they are set apart by their leadership, the amount of authority over their members, and the rigidity of their boundaries. Many people use the term “zealot” synonymously with “cult leader.” Cult leaders

  • Cults and Their Leaders

    4160 Words  | 9 Pages

    Cults and Their Leaders For many years, cult leaders always had a psychological hold on their followers' minds. Whether it was to kill other people or to kill themselves, they did it without question. Some cult leaders used fear, violence and guilt as a means of a weapon to control the minds of their followers. Other cult leaders used persuasive and spiritual speeches that made their followers believe they were doing good and fulfilling God's plan. Because cult leaders are powerful through psychological

  • Cult Essay

    549 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cults are most commonly known and practiced as a system of religious worship and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. Cults represent a worldwide epidemic of ideological totalism and fundamentalism. Typically cults target and recruit young adolescences, who are generally confused, curious, and looking for a place to belong and somewhere where they feel important. The naive and vulnerable youth are less likely to see through the cults layers of deceit. However not all youth are

  • Cults And Jews

    1012 Words  | 3 Pages

    Cults And Jews Cults are becoming more and more of an issue for Jews every day. Many cults are beginning to target Jews. They say you can believe in Jesus yet remain a Jew, or many other things like that. It is important for people to educate themselves of these cults and their recruiting techniques so that they will not be taken advantage of by these cults. Cults now are very different than they were in ancient times though. The Jews, rather than being targeted by cults, were themselves a cult

  • Cults Essay

    1534 Words  | 4 Pages

    history, cults have become a prevalent part of our society. More and more cults are forming every day. Although not all of them are dangerous, some can perform practices that are toxic to their members. Cults use fear and control to gain more and more members. Once members join a cult, they are forced to perform the practices that the cult leaders require. It is through these practices that cult leaders convince their members to stay in the cult. Through mind control and scare tactics, cults have become

  • Cult Manipulation

    907 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cults have always been associated with mental and psychological manipulation of members in what is commonly referred to as “brainwashing” (, 2016). Cult leaders strive to achieve mind control of members by promoting a system of beliefs that completely disorient the personal thoughts of an individual. According to Coon and Mitterer (2008), most victims of psychological manipulation may not even be aware of what may be happening and strictly follow what their leaders tell them. The followers

  • Religious Cult

    1549 Words  | 4 Pages

    What drives an individual to form a cult? Even more puzzling, what motivates an individual to join a cult? The term cult is difficult to define, as they can take many different forms. However, they generally have a few distinctive characteristics. These may include exclusive allegiance to a specific leader, dependency on the cult, manipulation, exploitation, deception, and control of life decisions (Melton, 1986, p. 5). One type of cult is a religious cult. These groups are based around a religious

  • The Logic Behind Cults

    1922 Words  | 4 Pages

    form what is known as a cult. A cult is simply a group of people who have the same belief system. They differ from other groups because they take a bi-polar approach to their teaching. They start changing who they are to fit the mold of what is right, but always reflect back to the old self and the shame it holds. Sometimes this cult desire is fueled to the point of disaster, announcing the world coming to an end, or even suicide. (The End Is Near) Not to confuse a cult from that of religion because