Classroom Behavior Essays

  • Classroom Behavior

    1461 Words  | 3 Pages

    Would you be surprised to learn that in today’s classroom children sometimes aren’t learning due to behavioral issues? Teachers are attempting to teach classes in which students can be disruptive, disrespectful and defiant. Classrooms are often overcrowded which adds to the frustration of the situation. Teachers are often tempted to take the easy way out, using antiquated strategies that will usually not help the child to learn. In fact, some types of punishments can actually cause the child to become

  • Importance Of Behavior In The Classroom

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    Behavior is one of the biggest challenges teachers will face, especially in inclusive classrooms. There are many techniques and strategies to help the teacher support all of his/her students to help guarantee a successful classroom. The most effective way to deal with difficult behavior is to prevent it. Teachers expend great deal of energy into controlling and eliminating problematic behaviors. A Positive Behavior Support system can create an environment that minimizes the need for punishment and/or

  • Impact of Recess on Classroom Behavior

    1116 Words  | 3 Pages

    Impact of Recess on Classroom Behavior When comparing the amount of time American children spend at ‘recess’ during the school day, you will see, that it is considerably less than the amount of time given by other countries. Japanese schools typically have a 10-20 min recess period between 45-min lessons or 5-min breaks between lessons, with a long play period after lunch. In Taiwan, schools typically have many recess periods during the day; children are also given 5-6 min of transition after

  • Classroom Behavior and Management Theories

    2742 Words  | 6 Pages

    Introduction I have chosen to research the classroom behavior and management theories of Judicious Discipline and Love and Logic: Taking Control of the Classroom,. I will attempt to summarize, in some detail, the authors’ findings and compare and contrast their main points. I will discuss how these two models influence and agree with, or contradict my own behavior management beliefs. Furthermore, I address how these strategies can be used in the classroom and offer my suggestions on the usefulness

  • Classroom Arrangement: Impact on Student Behavior & Learning

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    Arranging the classroom. The arrangement of the classroom has a significant impact on students’ attitudes toward classroom behavior and learning. Students need the environment that is organized, neat and comfortable in order to learn and behave appropriately. Creating such an environment entails arranging a practical physical layout that allows me to move about the classroom and interact with students, as well respond quickly and unobtrusively to student behavior that interrupts a classroom. A practical

  • Shrinking Classroom Behavior

    751 Words  | 2 Pages

    As a classroom teacher, what child behavior is the most annoying to you? I am currently a long-term substitute while in graduate school at MCLA, and I have three students that are overly talkative with never-ending chatter, throughout the day. This group loves socializing, but they are not a group per say, they actually build social skills among the classroom because they talk to all the children in a pleasant, friendly outgoing manner starting from the moment they arrive, and enter the main doors

  • Classroom Behavior Analysis

    1317 Words  | 3 Pages

    As with a variety of aspects within education, competent classroom management is crucial to the functioning of an effective learning environment. Successful learning can only be achieved when educators implement a consistent behaviour management system (Gabriel & Matthews, 2011). Classroom behaviour can be defined as any behaviour where the intent is to interfere with the teacher, students or class learning (Charles, 2008). The individually supported theories of Choice Theory, Assertive Discipline

  • Use of the Behavior Management Contract in the Classroom

    1081 Words  | 3 Pages

    Classroom behavior is a broad term that encompasses a range of nonacademic school behaviors. Included are the student's conduct within the school setting, response to school rules and routines, interpersonal relationships with teachers and other students, and self-concept and attitude toward school. A classroom behavior problem can interfere with academic performance; likewise, poor academic achievement can influence classroom conduct, precipitating inappropriate social behaviors. The implementation

  • Inappropriate Classroom Behavior and Effective Classroom Management Strategies

    1130 Words  | 3 Pages

    productive classroom but student misbehavior can be disruptive to that environment. Disruptive misbehavior can be mild and not impact student achievement or it can be serious and affect the entire classroom. Johnny is a fifth grade student who constantly interrupts the class by making faces. A classroom management plan will address Johnny’s individual needs and those of the class. Quality use of Time and Transition Between Activities Keeping students focused can be difficult. Johnny’s behavior in the

  • Classroom Behavior Case Study Essay

    863 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction and Background Information The objective of this case study is to deeply explore how an identified subject under observation expresses inappropriate classroom behaviours and the corrective measures in averting the behaviour. Classroom Behaviour Management is used to describe the process of ensuring that classes or lessons run smoothly despite the anticipated behaviour by students. It therefore plays an integral part in correcting of inappropriate behaviour. Gabriel Bentley

  • Reducing Behavior Problems in Elementary School Classrooms

    895 Words  | 2 Pages

    Reducing Behavior Problems in Elementary School Classrooms is a practice guide that offers strategies on how to reduce behavior problems. The guide provides information on how to identify specific problem behaviors. It describes how to modify a student’s environment to support positive behavior. It offers teaching techniques to promote and reinforce good behavior. In addition the guide shows that with collaborative relationships and a school wide approach the reduction of behavior problems is

  • Analysis Of Thorndike's Law Of Create Behavior In The Classroom

    1794 Words  | 4 Pages

    For instance, Ritz, Noltemeyer, Davis & Green (2013) stated that teachers use verbal reprimand to identify inappropriate behaviour in the classroom, and communicate dissatisfaction with the behaviour, thus, the child will learn to refrain from inappropriate behaviours. Likewise, Thorndike’s law of effect states that behaviours that lead to discomfort are weakened and are less likely to occur again (Nevid, 2014). Thus, when the teacher uses verbal reprimand to bring to the child’s attention, that

  • Following the Wrong Footsteps

    2540 Words  | 6 Pages

    Following the Wrong Footsteps For much of Public School's history, the academic standards had little to do with whether or not you were a male or a female. Much of one's placement in a classroom or school depended on the age or academic standing. Other issues such as the consolidation of schools and the Americanization of immigrants were given a higher placement of importance. The subject of gender was almost taken for granted and when the issue did intrude, historically the reaction was one

  • Challenging Classroom Behavior

    1284 Words  | 3 Pages

    now more than ever, student behavior is impacting the ways teachers teach. Students who engage in challenging behavior compromise the fundamental ability of schools to educate children (Chitiyo, Makweche-Chitiyo, and Park et al, 2011, p. 171). These challenging behaviors have a direct correlation to the academic, social, and emotional achievements of the school, as a whole. Behaviors such as aggression, being disruptive and disrespectful are just a few behaviors that pose obstacles for educators

  • School Breakfast Programs

    1956 Words  | 4 Pages

    millions of dollars and served over 360 million breakfasts and lunches for children who cannot afford to have a regular priced meal or who don’t have money for food at all. With these programs producing such great results for the children in the classroom and out of school more and more states have begun to implement similar programs for underprivileged children. One of the major reasons for the popularity of the breakfast programs is that it enables the children to start there day off with a healthy

  • Behavior Management in the Classroom

    1692 Words  | 4 Pages

    In light of my School Experience (SE), I will be analysing, discussing and evaluating an aspect of classroom practice. The practice that I have chosen is ‘Behaviour Management’. Behaviour management plays a key role within the classroom and there are a number of techniques used by teachers on a day to day basis. I will look at these techniques in detail, analysing and evaluating them with the work of behaviour management authors and also taking into account my SE observations. During my SE I was

  • Managing Classroom Behavior and Learning in the Primary Classroom

    2097 Words  | 5 Pages

    affects not only their learning but also the learning of others.’ (Adams 2009, page 4) This suggests that poorly managed behaviour in the classroom can have a detrimental effect on learning overall, as well as individually. This assignment will analyse how behaviour and learning are inextricably linked. This assignment will also emphasise how primary classroom teachers develop behaviour management strategies in order to promote an effective and positive learning environment. Ofsted (2005, page 15)

  • Promoting Positive Behavior in Classroom Education

    1112 Words  | 3 Pages

    students to intelligently question a situation and make informed decisions is an important part of properly participating in citizenship duties within their community. Humans are observers by nature. Modeling positive traits could influence positive behavior. I respect my colleagues and students. To show respect for their ideas, personalities and character, it is crucial not to discuss student information with other students or divulge unnecessary data to another teacher not involved in their education

  • Philosophy of Classroom Management

    3400 Words  | 7 Pages

    sample of my beliefs about classroom management and how I would use my beliefs in my ideal classroom someday. The beliefs I have on classroom management have developed over a period of classroom observations and also from my Classroom Management course at Manchester College. In this document I have laid out what my personal beliefs are with classroom management, my top ten beliefs on classroom management, the routines and procedures to be implemented into my classroom, how I plan on implementing

  • Classroom Management Plan Paper

    797 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the development of the classroom management plan, the overarching goal was to identify and target a behavior the person creating the plan exhibited. I choose to discuss interrupting others as my target behavior. I choose this behavior due to it being a common classroom disruption, as well as having an influence on social interactions. While developing this plan, I focused on the antecedent and the function of the behavior. I identified the antecedent as others speaking, and the function as positive