Clara Barton Essays

  • Clara Barton

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    know today. One in particular is Clarissa Harlowe Barton, who went by the name of Clara. At the time Clara lived, women were still considered inferior to men. Throughout her work, she faced much sexism, but she worked past it and created a legacy for herself. Also occurring during her life was the Civil War, which she was a very helpful part of. Clara’s most well known achievement is her founding of the American Red Cross. In addition to that, Clara also established the nation’s first free public school

  • Clara Barton

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    Clara Barton was an important and respected part of American history, and here is how she she imprinted herself into our history books. Clarissa "Clara" Harlowe Barton was born on December 25th, 1821 in Massachusetts to a farming family, and was the youngest of five children. Her first experience caring for others when she was 12, when she nursed her invalid brother back to health for two years after he fell off the roof of a family barn. When Barton returned to school, she put as much work into

  • Clara Barton Biography

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    Clara Barton Clara Barton, known as an American humanitarian, the “Angel of the Battlefield,” and known for being the American Red Cross founder accomplished many things during her life. Throughout her long commitment of service, Clara achieved honor as a teacher, battlefield nurse, lecturer, and founder of the American Red Cross. Through her many years of work, Clara made a huge impact on America that can still be felt at present times. Clara was born Clarissa Harlowe Barton on Christmas

  • Clara Barton: A Hero

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    Campbell). Clara Barton could be regarded as a hero because she went into several military battles during the civil war with a strong mindset to help the soldiers who were wounded and to provide supplies that were needed but scarce17.She was a woman of many talents who accomplished a lot but became best known for the founding of the Red Cross in America. Her humanitarian contributions and compassionate personality allowed her to connect with many people. As inspiring as Clara Barton was, she wasn’t

  • Clara Barton

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    Clara Barton Introduction Fondly referred to as the "angel of the battlefield" (The Encyclopedia Britannica Online), Clara Barton served as one of the greatest humanitarians this country has ever known. Persistent beyond belief, Clara employed her remarkable interpersonal skills to teach unruly school children, to collect supplies to send to the battlefront, and to struggle to form the American Red Cross. An equal rights advocate, her most memorable successes consisted of improvements in education

  • Clara Barton- Biography

    1006 Words  | 3 Pages

    Clarissa (Clara) Harlowe Barton born on December 25, 1821, in North Oxford, Massachusetts, was the youngest of Stephen and Sarah Stone Barton’s five children. Clara's father, Captain Stephen Barton (1774-1862), was a successful businessman, captain of the local army and a government official in Oxford, Massachusetts. Through his memorable stories of the Indian War in Ohio and Michigan, he taught her the importance of keeping an army equipped with arms, food, clothing and medical supplies. Clara's

  • Biography Of Clara Barton

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    Harlowe Barton, or “Clara,” as she preferred to be called, emerged as a beacon of hope, love, and devotion (Redcross). Throughout her lengthy life, Clara Barton worked toward the admirable goal of changing the world and healing all those who needed it. Clara Barton helped to shape the history, and unforetold future of America, by founding the American Red Cross, helping those in need to the best of her ability, and remaining today as an astounding symbol of female empowerment. Ms. Barton was born

  • Clara Barton Research Paper

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    sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.” Clara Barton, a civil war nurse and the founder of the American Red Cross, is the epitome of a hero, as her heroic acts, courage and care during the Civil War serve as an inspiration for others in today’s dark times. Barton’s training to become a hero started at a young age. She was brought up by her father, Capt. Steven Barton, a member of a local militia, who never actually attained the rank of captain. Her mother, Sarah Barton, was strict and industrious, and

  • Clara Barton

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    improve the past” as said by Clara Barton. One of the most remarkable human being in this world, Clara Barton, has made this world a better place. She was kind-hearted and ready to lend a hand. Always striving to make the world a better place, Clara Barton made a difference in the world as a Nurse, humanitarian, and as the Founder of the Red Cross. Clara Barton made a difference in the world as a helpful Nurse. Clara was a nurse from the age of 11 to the age of 91. Barton left her job in 1861 at the

  • Clara Barton: A Nurse Leader

    998 Words  | 2 Pages

    and Clara Barton is an excellent example of this. This paper will discuss the life of Clara Barton, what makes her a leader and her impact on the nursing world as a whole. Clara Barton Clara Barton was born on December 25th, 1821 in North Oxford, Massachusetts. She was the youngest of five children and at the young age of 11, Clara found her calling. Her brother suffered an accident and it was Clara who helped nurse him back to health. However, because of her shyness as a child, Clara struggled

  • Clara Barton Character Traits

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    “Clara Barton” Coming up on May 21, it will mark the 136th year since Clara Barton started the American Red Cross (Benson 66). Besides bringing a little-known organization to America and making it thrive here to help people, she did many other things. Clara Barton had a full and rewarding life, as a child she learned skills that helped all throughout her life, did her part to contribute in the Civil War, started a school, and fought for women’s rights, as well as brought the Red Cross Back to

  • Clara Barton: Founder of the Red Cross

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    Clara Barton is a very important health pioneer. Clara Barton started the Red Cross in America which is still in operation today. She overcame many obstacles throughout her life and many people telling her she couldn’t do it. She is an inspiration to everyone. She grew up and her life began in North Oxford, Massachusetts, she was inspired by Florence Nightingale, she helped during and after wars, she helped with her ill family and battled her own depression, she started the Red Cross after much hard

  • Clara Barton Essay

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    Beginning life Clarissa Harlowe Barton was born on December 25, 1821. Her parents were Stephen and Sarah Stone Barton. She was born in a small, white cottage in North Oxford, Massachusetts. Clarissa was also known as Clara Barton. Dorothy, Stephen, David, and Sally were her siblings names. In 1829, she turned eight, and her parents sent her off to boarding school. That was because her parents thought it would help her open up and not be so shy. Then Clara quits school to stay home and nurse her

  • Clara Barton and The American Red Cross

    1966 Words  | 4 Pages

    The American Red Cross (ARC) Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross after becoming involved in the work of the International Red Cross during the Franco-Prussian War. Her heart of giving and helping others convinced her that an American chapter was needed in her country in 1881. The ARC is a humanitarian organization that is dependent on the contributions of time, blood, and money from the American public to support its multiple lifesaving services and programs. The ARC’s mission is to prevent

  • Clara Barton: The Heart of American Red Cross

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    Introduction From childhood to death Clara Barton dedicated her life to helping others. She is most notably remembered for her work as a nurse on the battlefield during the Civil War and for the creation of the American Red Cross. Barton was also an advocate for human rights. Equal rights for all men, women, black and white. She worked on the American equal Rights Association and formed relations with civil rights leaders such as Anna Dickensen and Fredric Douglass. Her undeterred determination

  • Florence Nightingale and Clara Barton: Modern Nursing

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    influential nurses, such as Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross. Moreover, one nurse known to many to have contributed greatly to the field of nursing is Florence Nightingale. Nightingale and others helped create the modern rights and responsibilities for the nursing field, and the healthcare field in general. Rights and responsibilities are the things that are set out to ensure activities are completed in a safe manner. Without Nightingale, or Clara Barton, the rights and responsibilities

  • Why Is Clara Barton Important In American History

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    American history, there were many influential people who made a significant impact on society. One person in particular demonstrated values that are very important to me. For this reason, I have chosen Clara Barton as the person that I would most wish to dine with and discuss relevant issues. Clara Barton had a very eventful life as a traveling nurse during the Civil War and as the founder of the American Red Cross. She overcame incredible obstacles in order to fulfill an intrinsic desire to serve. Ms

  • Clara Barton Research Paper

    554 Words  | 2 Pages

    2016 History Clara Barton Clara Barton was born on December 25, 1821 and died on April 12, 1912, she was a pioneering nurse who founded the American Red Cross. She was a hospital nurse in the American Civil War, a teacher, and patent clerk. Barton is noteworthy for doing humanitarian work at a time when relatively few women worked outside the home. She had a relationship with John J. Elwell, but never married. North Oxford, Massachusetts. Barton's father was Captain Stephen Barton, a member of

  • Clara Barton: A Brief Biography

    802 Words  | 2 Pages

    only one made history. Clarissa Harlowe Barton was born on December 25, 1821, in Oxford, Massachusetts. Clara’s mother, Sarah Stone Barton, was a very kind and loving woman. She lived from 1783-1851. Clara’s Father, U.S. Army Captain Stephen Barton, was a businessman and captain of a local army. He lived from 1774-1862. Clara had 4 siblings, Sarah Barton Vassall, U.S. Army Captain David Barton, Stephen Barton, and Dorothea Barton. At age eleven, Clara tended to her older brother, David, who

  • Clara Barton Research Paper

    881 Words  | 2 Pages

    Clara Barton is a symbol of compassion, kindness and selflessness. Because of these qualities, she created the Red Cross, which has helped countless people throughout history. She was not only a humanitarian, but a nurse and a feminist. However, Clara’s life was not only devoted to aiding sick and injured soldiers through the Red Cross. Before this healthcare organization was even created, Clara worked hard at teaching. She also had a job at the U.S. Patent Office. When the Civil War began, Clara